It was inevitable it might happen, and it has, it doesn't mean that we should stop genuine refugees coming here. We need to tighten our borders, not close them.
And your embarrassing attempt at a put down at rp has been noted.
Such a shame that the ctrl_left still insist on accusing anyone pointing out basic facts of being a bigot/racist/xenophobe, rather than trying to justify their liberal attitude to border security.
You weren't pointing out facts though, you were making 'observations' along with unfounded accusations and assumptions that you level at anyone who disagrees with you; and that's an awful lot of people. It's the very definition of bigotry.
You become your own accuser when you make a bigoted response to an observation of bigotry.
Cheapshot calling him a Bigot tbf. We had one mass shooting involving handguns and the Government banned handguns surely they can do more to crack down on extremism related to refugees coming into this country.
What would you prefer to call someone who consistently displays intolerance and aggression to anyone who has ever had a different opinion to them?
If that had even been suggested in the OP you might have a point. There's a distinct lack of anything other than yet another rant against the left/liberals/do gooders, ad nauseam, though.
Seriously? Or perhaps accusing someone of being a bigot, just because they have the temerity to disagree with the liberal orthodoxy doesn't count as as "intolerance and aggression" towards someone with a different viewpoint than your own.
Maybe you need to go back and review your own posts, you may find a consistent agenda in play.