And given the length of time it took to actually carry out the air strikes, there was no real rush to do it so Parliament could have been recalled, a debate and vote held in enough time for the UK to take part if Parliament of course voted for action to take place.
I notice she avoided answering the question about Saudi Arabia's use of white phosphorus in Yemen, which is a chemical weapon. And yes I'm aware Israel has likely used it as well.
We need a war powers act to ensure Parliament gets to debate these issues, Parliament has conducted quite a number of studies into this over the last 15 years or so.
Anyway I don't believe these airstrikes will have the intended effect hoped for i.e. discouraging Assad from using Chemical Weapons. If anyone is a disgrace it's May for being too cowardly to recall Parliament and win the House of Commons over to vote for military action. Corbyn is a pacifist and it should come as no surprise what his views are. And hey ho if we have a war powers act and Parliament votes for action then Corbyn's hands would be tied to do as Parliament says. Or he'd have to resign as a point of Principle. |