if there is a market for it then people will provide it. Also easy to regulate by TfL to stipulate rules about how many of such vehicles need to be available at any one time.
But more importantly, we are talking about private hire here, nobody is saying there is no place for black cabs. They can happily continue doing what they do...
Fair point, but lets not forget that any self employed person makes their money by charging someone else. If that relationship all of a sudden disappears then they'll have to change...
So the good news is that they can operate whilst the appeals continues and hopefully TfL becomes clear as to what rules were broken and should be changed or adhered to and all can go back to normal...
If I was an uber affiliated driver I'd always maintain contacts with other agents as well...And if I was a Uber competitor I'd market the sh*t out of my services in London and invest hugely to grab that opening that has been created....They should strike now...Also an opportunity for black cabs to show off how good they are, what services they have and market themselves to land grab that battlefield whilst Uber and TfL are at each others throat. It is business after all  |