his proposed policies
Scrapping trident - I fully agree
Increasing the top rate of taxation- 100% agree
Talking to hitherto known as terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah.Agreed but does that include talking to a terrorist government such as the current Israeli one? If he is going to talk to one side then he must be prepared to talk to the other.The exception is ISIL, they need to be removed
Scrapping tuition fees -Disagree, students should expect to pay something towards their higher education, but the fees need to be markedly reduced
Oppose bombing Syria- sadly disagree for the above reason
Renationalisation of railways- totally, totally agree, but don't stop there grab the utilities back as well
Increase public expenditure and stop cut backs - Yup people's QE should cover that
Private rent controls again agreed, but a massive increase in social housing would do that anyway.
Immigration -fine by me, except for economic migrants from outside the EU
Getting rid of the monarchy - only if its the will of the people.If it isn't then certainly reform it so it's more like a Scandinavian one with lower profile |