So all these dis - engadged voters are all going to vote for Labour because they have elected Corbyn as the leader .. Well as i have all ready wrote , i was a Labour till i die voter up until yesterdays farce .. which means i put my cross against Tony Bens name as he was my Labour candidate in the 83 election .. which also meant i was backing M. Foots leadership and policies . Where as with Mr Corbyn in charge and with his policies i will never vote for a Corbyn lead Labour party .
He is a honest and honorable man who cares about society .. you can have all the good intention in the world .. but you have to become elected to power to implement them , for them to become more than mere words, those who know full well they will never attain power can promise anything you care to mention. And that is what Corbyn is a man who will never be tested to implement those words , because he is un- electable and in the mean time he will tear apart my Labour party, a party i can no longer justify voting for . No doubt someone who use to vote for another party like the Greens etc will take my place and put a cross next to the Labour candidates name at the next election . But why were they not already voting Labour . |