Predict the Brexit editorial please. Please post your forecast of the result. Please no editorial or comments in this thread, there is a thread already for peoples opinions, this thread is purely to forecast the result....not the arguments on both sides.
Brexit Poll: Economic Impact To Britain Yesterday we were told Brexit has blown a £60bn hole in Government finances over the next five years. I though it might be interesting to have a poll. To ensure parity across our thoughts, short terms equates to the five years after triggering of Article 50 whilst long term equates to ten years...
The Referendum and Voting Place holder. If I get a good nights sleep this will open at 7:00am
Keeping up with the latest Brexit News Here's a little bit of news: Blue passport to return after Brexit Back to the blue British passports after Brexit.
England: You're going through a steel bath now...hopefully any outcome will be accepted.
I fear not. We're standing alongside the pit watching the match. There's no referee....
I suspect they will. The papers are predicting a 40-50 seat majority for Johnson which obviously eliminates any power of the opposition parties but also the ERG.