The DC Chess set pieces are made out of hardened resin, with some lead components. There is no other kinds of metal in them at all. Unfortunately, whilst these kinds of partworks (Chess set ones, that is) look lovely, they're utterly useless for actually playing chess with, and no half-decent chess player would allow you to play a game with them, using such sets. 
There's been numerous ones released, over the years, including "Lord Of The Rings", "Star Wars", and "Harry Potter" sets, but they're only really nice to look at, but nothing more. 
The other, rather bad, ironic situation with these sets, is that they never supply a suitable-sized chessboard to put the pieces on. The ones they do let you buy, are either hideously overpriced, or of poor quality. Again, fine if all you want to do is use the set as a novelty piece of displayable art, but useless for actual chess play, especially as the Pawns are all different characters. A stupid schoolboy error, that shows these are not intended for actual chess usage.
Just going back to the Marvel Graphic Novels partwork set, I contacted Hachette's London offices, and finally got my subscription sorted out! They apologised profusely about the problems, but did explain they were over-subscribed, (far more than they anticipated), and as such, the website and their phone and e-mail help systems, have been unable to cope with the heavy demand. Good for the publication of the partwork, not so great for the customers who are trying to subscribe.
If you need help, or are having problems, I'd heartily recommend you speak to them on: 0207-014-5950 and they will probably be able to rectify any problems you may be having. If they can't sort the problem(s) out there-and-then, they will get someone to call you back, within two-to-three hours, who can. 
Pooch |