Chris asked:
I'm not 100% certain, but that was what they were initially saying. However, things can change, so you never know there may be a "Punisher" volume at some point in time. However, I suspect it will be a "safe" one, and not some of the more contentious, violent, or profane ones. 
With regards to the transaction on your account, the date and price is referring to when the issue was taken from the Warehouse Stock supply and allocated to your subscription number, and neither implies the date that that was sent to you, NOR when you will have been/are due to make payment.
Dillon asked:
Alas, it's not a case of Hachette not wanting to allow subscribers to catch-up, and all be at the same volume at the same time, but a case of what stock they have available to subscribers to actually send out. If you read one of my previous posts, then you will note that many of the first four issues were out of stock, and are only just starting to come back into stock with Hachette. However, they will allocate them, in order of subscription number.
So, if 5000 copies of Issue 1 come in, then the first 5000 Subscribers who still need Issue 1 will get them. The next block of subscribers will have to wait until the next batch of Issue 1 becomes available. Likewise, if 2500 copies of Issue 2 comes in, then the first 2500 people who need Issue 2 will get that allocated to them, and the rest of the subscribers will have to wait for the next batch to become available.
It's the only way to safely make sure that everyone gets every issue they need, in a fair manner. That way, new subscribers don't "jump to the front of the queue", and also so that Hachette don't end-up with large numbers of spare copies of certain issues that no one needs any more. 
Pooch |