Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:28
I get loads of junk email and I don't want the watch pinging every 5 minutes. I just want it to download when I check as it should do. I much prefer it that way. All the email notifications from AVForums are coming through as are messages from my brother so fingers crossed it is on now. Thanks for the help.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:28
Cool. So how are you getting your emails at the moment, are you just going to the email app on your watch and downloading them from there?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:29
As we're chatting I'm checking my email through the watch and then jumping to the phone to go on AVForums. Seems to be downloading the emails fine now and deleting them from the server as well when I delete them from the watch, which is just how I wanted it.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:29
With regards to the phone and watch being on Internet? Can you use ALL apps via wifi or is it only certain things?
I have BT Home Hub 5 at 2.5ghz and it doesn't seem to use the Internet at all. I turned Bluetooth off on phone and nothing works.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:29
Another question if peeps don't mind.If I check my email with my phone and receive three emails, should they appear on my watch if I go and check it immediately? Or does the watch only download emails you have not received on the phone?
As mine currently stands I have the watch settings on custom (only downloads one email if on mirror iPhone) and watch will download all emails that are waiting to be received but only if I haven't yet downloaded them to phone. If I download them to phone first and go back to watch it only downloads he first one email. Can someone check their watch please and see what happens if they download emails to their phone first and then go to the watch?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:29
Hi will try a restart as it works then it don't if that make sense
Was working yesterday not today seems hit and miss atm
Strange ,,, I know it only works when on hand lol
Sorted now keep watch unlocked works fine hopefully it stays that way
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:29
I dont have my Apple Watch at the moment but I remember I could go into the email app and view all of my emails that were in my inbox, regardless of where they were viewed first.
I'm an iCloud user and had emails on push.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:29
That's weird then. I wonder why mine won't show the ones I have viewed on my phone already?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:30
Not sure... maybe it's due to the phone not having the downloaded copy?
Try viewing all/ some of your emails on your phone till the blue unread email symbol dissapears and then see if they are then viewable on the watch.
As I say, I'm not sure in your scenario as you manual retrieve emails with Outlook.
Give it a try anyway.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:41:30
You're making me doubt myself, ssbib! 
Can someone else with push email, possibly even using iCloud double check that old emails are showing on their watch?