Damian1978 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:38

I swear my picture seemed brighter. As if the backlight was up one notch. But thought I noticed this before on another update. Probs paranoid. TV works fine though.

misterm Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:38

It seems brighter to me too, but since my tv has no clouding or torchlighting(a small wonder these days!), I dont mind!!

Damian1978 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:39

I have a little bit of torchlighting so may reduce the backloght by 1.

Damian1978 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:39

The changes : Benefits and improvements:•This software improves the performance of the Satellite Service Database program to help user managing the list of Satellite Services in the TV as well as the behaviour of the TV when watching Mediathek services in HbbTV.

Broka Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:40

Contrast/Black levels seem much better whilst viewing SEN.

Geoff_W Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:41

Not a usb powered hdd, but I've got a very old 80GB drive in a powered caddy and the drive definitely spins down when the tv is off.

Geoff_W Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:42

After the update installs, there is a message saying that some user settings may have been changed. Are you sure that all of your picture settings are the same as before the update?

Damian1978 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:43

Yep. I took a pic of them pre/post update. Nothings changed. Tis a weird one.

Could all be in my head  Its not a massive difference. Just looked a tad brighter

Chaser Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:44

Just wondered how people were finding the 3D glasses

I got two pairs of TDGBR750 and they got sent back as one pair was broken, the other pair only lasted for an hour, and the standby time was rubbish ... I would expect them to last at least a dew days after a full charge and just sitting there powered off the entire time, would be good to hear if this is a one off or it's just how it is.

Thinking of getting a pair of the TDGBR250 to try out, I know there probably not as good as the latter but not really sure if I want to spend £80 only for them to have to be returned again.

tazmago Publish time 1-12-2019 22:41:44

I have finally received my blu-rays //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif

Delivered this morning, I got the Bond boxset, Spiderman trilogy and Amazing Spiderman blu-rays.However I also received a letter with it saying that they had run out of stock of the 3D version of the Amazing Spiderman, so they sent the 2D version, and as a thank you for taking part in the promotion, they also included 2 extra 3D blu-rays which were Harry Potter and the deathly hollows parts 1 and 2!

The offer has been a good while coming, but the added bonus blu-rays are a nice addition.

Nice one Sony!
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