Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:52
He/She/It hasn't played the first one I bet, with regards the bulletpoints.
The first one didn't even have a button to press, you just fought against them, and combat/control was well, almost the same.
Not much difference I feel between the two of them, apart from slight save differences, but I have noticed the longer you charge up the strobebulb, the more you can catch, which helps in confined areas.
Mentioned in their bio, they love the games of the 80's, yet no mid-level saves are a -...??
A wee bit of a challenge never did anyone any harm. 
I'm finding it tough to die, had a few close moments, but nothing that requred me to restart a level yet, luckily.
Still gets an 9 from me, if I were to mark it.
For what it is, and what's there, as in fun, the audio, "err...Yelloo!", and looking gorgeous, it's well up the scale.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:52
Well had my 1st session on it and done 3 missions. I think its excellent so far. Just love the presentation and all the little touches and expressions from Luigi. The humming along to the tune, greeting with "yellooo" and the ringtone itself are great and brought a smile to my face.
We will have to arrange an MP session one night and see how we get on.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:52
What i do love, and referenced in one of the lower scoring reviews strangely, is the way each and every room looks like a little 3D diorama full of lovely little details. Only a few gardens lack such detail but i wont deny it looks good.
I was going to sell the 3ds on after completing but just picked up Mario Land and Mario Kart. Its an ambassador console too so its a little in car gaming for when we go camping...wouldnt take the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Gizmo 76
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:53
I also got to this stage yesterday and died lol... Done it second time around.
Below aren't spoilers as such, more tips; but on my phone so can't tag.
Only real advice I can offer if you haven't done it all ready.
• Go for the little guy first, leave big one until last.
• When you have one in your stream and the others are about to attack. Don't be greedy, let him go and they'll all disappear.
• Light zap the bat that flies past between attacks for the odd heart.
If you get a good run when a ghost is in your stream they can pull you around the graveyard, but often you'll get trapped behind a gravestone... This is when you let him go lol. It gets easier once the first is gone 
Off out for a bit, but looking forward to getting back to this... Game of the year so far for me I think.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:53
Just bit the bullet and ordered a nero blue XL from for £130 
Now do I stop playing this game until it arrives or not. 
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:53
Could be a while so I would say NO!
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:53
Shall I start compiling a list of friend codes for multiplayer?
I'll put it on a spreadsheet here.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:54
Grrrrr...boss level on the third mansion is a nightmare (excuse the pun)!!
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:54
My daughter got this earlier, she's not had chance to go on. There was a queue of people in toys r us buying it though, even the staff said they were constantly selling copies of this.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:54
I'm staying off it until I get my XL.....maybe!!Will be mariokarting with a mate later I think.