Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:20
You still rocking Vita and 3DS Mr Fox?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:21
Was going to rent this but thought sod it. I've read enough about it to think its a keeper.
The Fuggler
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:22
May well be dusting the 3DS off for this. Some good games in the pipeline at last.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:23
Yeah, still am. 
Mario Kart multiplayer calls occasionally, but I would guess the last things I bought for the 3DS were Kid Icarus, and Resi, after that, nothing, not even on the store.
It's been tumbleweed city on the 3DS, for about a year.
The store is dire..
My son bought some game, some japanese 3d style shooter, kinda reminded me of Panzer Dragoon, the mechanics of it anyhow.
Didn't ever fancy getting rid of the 3DS, just like others, when the Nintendo titles appear, their consoles are worth it, so still have high hopes for the WiiU. 
Plenty to play on the Vita though..has given me such a backlog.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:24
We'll have to get some multi going on this..but you have to promise to be all morphined up..it'll be mighty trippy! :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:25
Yeah deffo. I've heard MP is quite unique. I've not read much. Don't like spoiling things. So glad I didn't get rid of my 3DS. Its been a very long time coming but finally some decent games showing.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:26
Luigi is probably the last game for me...once played will no doubt sell the console on. All the rest are remakes it seems; mario golf, donkey kong etc. Vita is a keeper now I have PSand the PS4 coming out. That 32Gb card is creaking under the weight of the games but shouldnt complain...
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:26
I won't sell mine. Not worth it for the money you get for it. I've still got a ds and ds lite. I'd keep mine for mariokart alone but looking at the library there is plenty for me yet.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:27
Just got mine, anyone who buy on the day of release get the glow in the dark box art.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:06:28
You know me, impulsive and compulsive in equal measures. I put it down to being poor as a child then getting a decent salary in adult life.
My problem is, i love gaming but i like to justify my purchases by playing the damn things...then I realise i am neglecting other stuff like writing, composing...marking exam papers...
Then i get angry with myself for getting so addicted and sell the things on. A few months later i cant resist a bargain or a new game and I am back again...vicious circle i guess....