Marc Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:44

why don't you email them with that suggestion? I emailed them a couple of suggestions on how to improve things and an employee named Steph replied back and seemed really friendly and genuinely grateful for my suggestions.

rawdonwhite Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:44

does it tell you anywhere on their site which supplier they are using for your order ?. only thing i can see is "firework" which is flubit themselves.

my item arrived eventually today - dispatched by basech - if i knew it was basech sending the item, i would have expected a much longer delivery time with items coming from switzerland

great suggestion by the the way sarah.

Marc Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:45

sometimes it tells you the supplier and sometimes it just says fireworks merchants. Not sure why

Sarah7 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:45

I've only used the site for DVDs & Blu-rays so far and find that Fireworks Merchant Ltd has always been the stated supplier when the fulfilment turned out to be a major retailer like Amazon, Zavvi or Sainsbury's Entertainment, whereas smaller retailers like SpeedyHen and 666Media have tended to be listed directly as supplier.

GaryBritton Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:45

You can tell if it comes from Speedyhen because they were sending out duplicate orders for free. 

Marc Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:45

i got one from speedyhen but no duplicate unfortunately 

hugoagogo69 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:45

I love flubit although it took a week & half to send my star wars blu rays.

I got ahem..bogof Avengers 3d blu for £12.87 which i duly sold one on fleabay for £21 so i treated myself to the German 3d/2d steelbook of finding nemo 

cmdrmarc Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:46

Profiting from the mistake of others. That's always something to boast about.

Did you even contact the company to tell them of their mistake? I'm sure if they'd sent 0 instead of 2 you'd be the first to kick up a fuss. The least you could have done is sold the duplicate and given the money to charity.

big boss Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:46


Bruschi Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:46

A Good Day to Die Hard arrived today via Flubit (shipped from ASDA), ahead of release date. Thought people might want to know if considering Flubit for pre-orders.
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