theblob Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:59

Not too impressed by that, especially with Amazon prices tending to be quite steep on what I'd probably use it for in general.

jammyone Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:59

I just got it the email too, a totally stupid decision. 

The people commenting on Flubit's blog are pretty annoyed too

the thing wnn Publish time 26-11-2019 21:16:59

just posted my displeasure on there - not ONE comment backing them up on this - stinks of an amazon buy out or 'partnership' - if thats the case - why not say so??

theblob Publish time 26-11-2019 21:17:00

I'm not sure how it would benefit Amazon entirely though. It would generate more traffic towards them but in the context of Flubit, the idea is to beat that price so there's no guarantees that the supplier would be Amazon themselves.

To me it sounds more like the figures haven't been adding up. By using Amazon exclusively it's easier to beat their prices without having to be the cheapest anywhere and get a higher commission. Other suppliers will be happy as they won't have to undercut so much.

Karlin Publish time 26-11-2019 21:17:00

As I said a few days back about their addiction to PayPal:


The news about Amazon is quite bizarre.

I feel sorry for the investors in Flubit and of course the small businesses that must have set up systems to deal with Flubit demands.

nwgarratt Publish time 26-11-2019 21:17:00

Since the demise of Play and HMV, Amazon prices have crept up.They are rarely the cheapest for anything now.

romerojpg Publish time 26-11-2019 21:17:01

Ohh dear haha bad news.

Yes most my items may have come from Amazon, but I never found them cheapest from that place, so it has to be some sort of deal.

Cannot say I will be using them too much now as I rarely find Amazon the cheapest on the ENTIRE web, they are deluded if they think we take their say so on it.

johnbower Publish time 26-11-2019 21:17:01

Yeah not good this first off the 15% went down to around 6% and now you can't use for example sainsburys who tend to be cheaper than most.



Karlin Publish time 26-11-2019 21:17:01

Yeah, tried to use Sainsburys for the first time last week and got a popup message saying they won't accept the Demand as Sainsburys "...often cancel orders...".


Flubit worked as they were the middleman (sort of) but now I can't see them last more than a few months. I've recommended them to people but I think I'd get a funny look now when describing their business model.

nwgarratt Publish time 26-11-2019 21:17:02

I just tried it with Lord of The Rings Extended Blu Ray set.

Amazon - £32.13

Flubit - £30.20

Or I can go to and get it for £28.09 or wait and see if BaseCH has it for £19.99 again.
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