Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:43
For coffee and butter and clothes washing liquid I get from lidl or Aldi they are way cheaper.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:44
Id say for me , Around £120 to £150a week . For 2 adults and 2 children
That does include the friday ****** and the cheeky beer deal
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:45
Can you microwave the rice you are referring to? I buy the microwave packets and what I am paying for is the convenience of being able to have the rice hot with in 3 minutes with no other faffing around which is last thing I want to be doing after 13 hour day.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:46
Same here. I buy a lot of ready meals and microwave stuff because, well, I'm fairly lazy and incompetent in the kitchen. I'm OK with that  Couldn't do with all the faffage after getting in from work.
It's funny, every time we have people over on hols, they always moan about milk and bread. You can only buy milk in 500ml or 1L cartons here, and it can be about £1.25 for 1L of semi-skimmed. I drink a lot of it, so it works out a lot more expensive for our shopping than with the £2/3L cartons I used to get from Tesco. As we have no 24 hr supermarkets, if we need bread early or late, a loaf from the petrol station can be about £2.25.
a l e x
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:47
We went yesterday and amazingly only spent about £50 for the two of us (and the cat...!)
Always nice when we spend less then usual.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:48
Forgot to include milk which we get delivered. Probably brings that up to nearly £800 with 60 pints a month.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:49
as I have said we spend more than that but we certainly don't throw massive amounts away. What we do is eat decent stuff, so massive amounts of fruit,veg & salad stuff, decent meat, bacon, sausages, free range eggs, home delivered milk and lots of luxuries like olives, decent cheese etc. What I hate is buying "cheap" food without any thought for the quality. I do buy meat from an organic farm shop and fish from a proper fishmongers. A fish meal on a Saturday night ( for four with starter and main course) can cost over £30 for the fish alone.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:50
??? I don't get the link you've just made. I'm struggling to fill up our bin for refuge collection every other week. I'd be happy with a monthly connection. No waste in our household, just lots of nice fresh produce. I can't even begin to imagine the link between expenditure and wasteage.
And what is. This about recognition? This thread is asking a question, people answer it. Would you prefer it when people lie? As someone said, never seen multi buys or the nice stuff, beside I am not guided by multi buys anyway. I prefer to get what I like. This morning creamed scrambled eggs and smoked salmon with some strawberries on the side. Yum.....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:51
This morning Golden Graham's 😆
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:51
I've never been a fan of cereals...My wife loves them...My eldest had a mixture of strawberries and kiwi, followed by three clementines...My youngest is still fast asleep...And our Labrador had 75 grams of Burns 