Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:43
It's pretty flexible really and obviously needs to suit you. The most popular and sensible way seems to include your sleep in the fast. So, if you stop eating at 8pm you don't eat again until 2pm the next day! You could view it as skipping breakfast and having a late lunch!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:44
What ever you like as long as you fast for 18 hours and eat in the 6 hour window.
I fast from 8pm - 2pm and eat from 2pm - 8pm. I try and consume around 1500 - 2000 calories in the 6 hours.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:44
My advice is don't do that, and do what the Horizon programme was suggesting instead. I don't know why everybody is doing the "cram yourself in a short time period" diet, instead of the fasting approach described in the programme.
Is it because it sounds easier, and the programme's approach sounds too scary? The point is, the horizon diet is pretty easy - you can eat whatever you like (ie. as normal) - for 5 days in 7.
I think if you reduce your calories every single day, you are simply going to run into the same difficulties as anyone on a traditional calorie controlled diet. The pounds probably will drop off initially. But slowly so will your willpower. And eventually, you'll abandon it and probably put the pounds back on.
I think the horizon programme was suggesting an alternative to this familiar pattern.
But it's just my opinion. Good luck in any case.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:44
Well reading this thread you all seem fit thin guys anyway. I'm coming from the other direction.
Been fat most of my life having tried mostly daily calorie control and Atkins diet.
For me it's a mind issue, comfort and love food, not really a hunger thing (don't drink alcohol or sugared pop drinks either).
I've got around 6 stone to loose so thought I'd give this a try after watching the Horizon program.
I've done my first week of alternate day fasting, full 24hr periods and on fast day having 700 calories which is around 22% of my current maintenance daily calorie allowance. Having 3 meals a day ~230 CALS each.
I'm having no real issue on the fasting days expect difficulty getting to sleep at night. Mentally it's great as I don't feel I'm on a diet as on feast days I'm not watching what I eat constantly. As the program indicated, I'd say I might be eating 10-15% more on the feast days.
First week weight loss around 8lbs but always loose a lot in first week when your my weight.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:44
8 pounds in a week is marvelous. //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
Doing it every other day might get tiresome. But then you can easily just turn it down a notch, and just do the 5-2 thing. Or even the 6-1. It will still be beneficial.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:44
I've been doing IF for a couple of days fasting for 16 hours 9pm till 1pm then feed for 8 hours ( it's more like 5 hours because I've found I'm not eating so much after 6 ) I must say that I'm getting the same calories and protein etc but I'm much less hungry. I use to eat every couple of hours etc but with IF I'm having 2 big meals and that's it I'm set . After the first day no hunger pains . Really enjoying it .
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:44
I'm trying this. I started last Saturday, and I've been doing alternate day fasting. For me it's not about losing weight, I'm much more interested in the general health benefits, and reduced likelihood of getting age related diseases. Although I've lost over 1kg in a week.
My main problem is hunger pangs, and the temptation to snack while at work.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:45
Once you get into the flow of it, the hunger pangs shouldn't be an issue.
Am I right in thinking that you can drink water during the fasting period? If so, that sorts the hunger out, keep topped up with water.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:45
Yes, water is good at keeping hunger at bay, I also find coffee with a tiny splash of milk (no sugar) good too.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:45
After the first day i honestly have had no hunger pangs at all. Im also a lot fuller for some reason. When i was eating every 3 hours or so i was constantly hungary - allt he time waiting for the the next meal. Now im eating more food at once and my 8 hour "feed" window is more like 5 - because i eat the same sort of food just more at once it fills me up for 16hours.