MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:38

Personally, I like a latte in the morning. So perhaps I'm not skipping breakfast at all anyway. I'm not quite sure.

RMGEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:39

Looks like Mens Health are jumping on the fasting wagon although they are calling it "The 8-Hour diet"

New Weight Loss Program! | Men's Health

RMGEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:39

Doing the same 18/6 plan, last week I lost 3 pounds and feel pretty good 

Your results are great, how are you measuring your body fat? I have a crosstrainer with a fat monitor built in but don't think its very accurate, one day it says I'm 23.5% the next I'm 25.9%

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:39

How do you feel when you are fasting? Hungry, cravings?

One of the key problems with traditional daily calorie control is the psychological hurdle of doing it every day.

w3dal Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:39

Impressive results - what's on the menu today then?

Reading this thread with interest as i need to change my diet and with recently joining the gym again I hope to loose a little weight.

TheyCallMeTJ Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:39

That's brilliant, well done to both you and adjd1.May I suggest, you do not try to lose more than 2lbs a week though because there are several side effects to losing weight too rapdidly.One very unsightly reason is that you can end up with loose skin because your fat is decreasing too rapidly for your skin to cling on.Its very common, in fact I had a little of it my self around the waist despite consciensely losing weight at the maximum recommended loss of 2lbs a week.Thankfully, my loose skin was minimal but it still took me a year to get rid of it by bulking out my muscle groups with weights, the skin also do contract back but at a very very slow rate.So do keep that in mind because loose skin is a very ungainly sight!

Just advising you from experiencing and as fitness professional.But that's a fantastic start 

TheyCallMeTJ Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:40

Hey Rich, Impedance method which those machines use do fluctuate and are not very accurate.Homedic weighing scales provide more consistency and a little more accuracy in BF% measurments because of a 6 point contact.It doesnt really matter about its precise accuracy, the key is using it as a progressive gauge with fortnightly measurements.

You can get a more accurate measurement with calipers but its best getting that done by a qualified professional as there is an art to doing it properly, skin pinching.

Personally I just use the US NAvy Body fat formula I post earlier.All you need is a tape measure and scientific calculator.Its generally 1-3% accurate and I feel is the most consistent guage.

Circumference of your waist at narrowest point
Circumference of your hip at widest point
Circumference of your neck at narrowest point
Your height

BF% Formula (US NAVY ): (Important, make sure you plug in inches and not centimetres. If you measured yourself in centimetres than convert those measurements is inches first.)

MEN, all measurements in INCHES:
?t = 86.010*LOG(waist- neck) - 70.041*LOG(height)   36.76

WOMEN, all measurements in INCHES:
?t = 163.205*LOG(waist   hip - neck) - 97.684*LOG(height) - 78.387

RMGEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:40

Thanks for the advice 

I don't think that I'll have too much of a problem with loose skin as I'm only 12st11 (5ft11 tall) so I'm not heavily overweight.

I think that the 3 pound loss was a one off anyway and some could be put down to water loss although I did work hard for it, I currently work out 4-5 times a week.

TheyCallMeTJ Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:40

Sounds great, and to be honest, you will always find you lose more at the start of a fat loss journey anyway, which indeed tends to be more water content as well as the targetted body fat.

Good stuff from both of you and adjd1, thanks for documenting your progress guys 

RMGEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:26:40

Just put my measurements into this US Navy body fat calculator and it states that I'm 19% body fat.

Body Fat (US Navy) Calculator - Fitness.BizCalcs.com
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