Ste7en Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:48

PC. Gone. Mad.

BB3Lions Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:48

ANTIFA have broken into AVF.

rousetafarian Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:48

Explain this please

Astaroth Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:48

Salt levels do vary, at least in the UK, so certainly get some thats too salty but others that are much more balanced.

That said, I am not a bacon fan and think there are many better things you can do with pig than make bacon. I'm not keen on other unadulterated cured pig either (eg jamón ibérico).

I can eat it, if its not too salty, hasnt been overcooked and either the fat has been removed and/or cooked properly but too many bacon sarnies or burgers with bacon you end up fighting rubbery fat and so effort -v- reward just doesnt stack up for me.... give me a sausage sandwich over bacon any time

Ste7en Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:48

Fear of admitting to liking bacon in public as not to offend 

mjn Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:49

Wrong way round you neanderthal!

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:49

You either like bacon or you're wrong..

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:49

Don't judge me, just try it!
Question is, what to have with a sausage and bacon sandwich?

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:49

Reminds me off this joke... 

A Catholic priest, Peter Smit and a rabbi are seated next to one another on a plane. During the flight, the priest says, "Tell me, rabbi, is it still a requirement of the Jewishfaith that you do not eat pork?" "That is the case, yes," says the rabbi. "But tell me, did you ever get tempted - did it ever appeal so much that you couldn't resist and decided to see what, say, bacon tasted like?" the priest goes on. "Yes, father, there was one occasion when, as a young man, the smell of bacon became too much of a temptation and I tasted it," the rabbi admits. "And how did you find it?" asks the priest. "Well, says the rabbi, "Since we are both men of God and being honest with one another, I must confess it was excellent. I enjoyed it very much. But I never ate it ever again." The priest sits back, looking smug. Later during the flight, the rabbi says to the priest, "Tell me, father - is it still a requirement of your own faith that you do not have sexual intercourse?" "Why yes," says the priest, "That is indeed true." "But were you ever tempted, even once, to see what sexual intercourse is like?" the rabbi continues. "Well, as you were so honest with me, I must confess that indeed, once, when I was a young man, I did have sexual intercourse with a woman," the priest tells him. "Beats the hell out of a bacon sandwich, doesn't it?" says the rabbi.

mjn Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:49

Brown wins.
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