Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:32
Bacon is fantastic, favourites are:-
Hot bacon in large buttered white Scotch roll with brown sauce or
Cold in large Scotch roll with tomatoes and mayonaise
Both fantastic although would prefer the hot with brown every time.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:33
Thank you for stepping up and sharing your reasons for selecting no as I believe hitting and running on a poll reeks of cowardice and is a sure sign of bacon deficiency if ever I saw one.
I do agree with you about the finer points of cooking it though, too many people literally make a pigs ear out of it and I personally find their offerings sacrilegious to the delicious swine based treats one who actually knows how cook properly can whip up.
Here's a tip for y'all:
Perfect no clean up bacon
Take your slices of pig and place then on an oven dish
Insert into cold oven (gasp!)
Turn heat to 200
Set time to 20 minutes
Prepare a cuppa in the interim and get yourself ready for some excellence
You may have to fiddle with the settings for a bit till you find the sweet spot of heat/time on your oven but this produces wonderfully crisp yet not brittle or charred bacon which is really easy to clean up after too. Serve in a toasted brown bun with crisp sliced lettuce and thinly sliced tomatoes along with jalapenos and you're good to go.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:34
I had bacon and eggs from the BBQ this morning  Nice lovely trimmed bacon. I can’t stand the rubbery fat though, so if it is like that it has to be well done. Also don’t like streaky bacon that is over cooked, not too hard and not too soft.
Bacon is lovely. Especially on brown toasted granary bread, with real butter and the hot bacon melting it. Then on the other side some guacamole’s and a little dap of salsa......
Failing that, a fresh warm baguette with streaky bacon and curried ketchup.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:35
Even pigs like it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:36
Can't beat bacon, had a lovely toasted egg and bacon sandwich today, also had a sausage and bacon roll from greggs as well today. Not to fussy about the quality either, bacon is bacon to me. Lean, stringy, fatty it dont matter to me. Annoyed me a while back when in a overpriced cafe in the city, the cook cut of the fat, that's the best part of it.
Pork chops, sausages, love all parts of the swine except the trotter. Can't beat a nice Gannon steak either,pork belly nice and fatty// Had some pig tail with rice and peas the other week and went down a treat.
Hate people who go on about how bad it is for you ,while they are puffing on a fag and have a special brew in the other.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:36
I love my bacon sarnies, 2 rounds of toast with melted butter, brown sauce spread over one slice, chunky coleslaw on the other with 2 slices of thick cut unsmoked bacon in the middle.........think I might have one for supper now 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:36
One (or two) Bacon, Egg and Cheese Toasted Panini is a regular treat. Gammon Steak and cheese in a Ciabatta is also a bit tasty.
Sniper Ash6
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:36
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:37
So was that you that voted no then?
Sniper Ash6
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:37
Yep, I was the first. I've never tried bacon in my life is the reason so don't know what I'm missing out on