Critique my Steak Thread.
Following on from the wonderful ‘Breakfast’ thread, I thought we should have a steak thread.I’ll begin with my €19 steak, cooked medium. A simple rump steak. The whole thing was fat/gristle free apart from a single mouthful.
All comments welcome. It's not cooked. if you start cooking a rump steak much more than that, it starts to get tough IMHO. Looks cooked perfect to me. What's the sauce? Steak looks amazing.needs some chips to dip in the juices Piesporter Riesling sauce (white wine)
It was so good that I had to have some of my daughters Pomme Frites Nothing wrong with that, looks lovely.
Possibly close to medium rare than medium though.
Still, just how I like it. I think you’re probably right there. That was the thin end in the pic too.
Perfectly cooked IMO, just right. Scorch the outside and still breathing under the skin.Looks good.
I would prefer thrice fried fluffy fries on the side though with a good peppercorn sauce. Pepper sauce was an;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
You gotta try these potatoes though.