Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:26
It's different for each person, we are all different. Choose something sensible and stick to it and see how you get on. Something like 40% carbs, 30% fats, 30% protein could be a good place to start.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:26
Hi Wardy, first of thanks for the kind offer 
I'm 19, male, 5'11" and weigh 70kg. I do regular exercise, mainly running and body weight stuff atm due to temporary lack of access to a gym right now. I would rank myself as slightly more muscular than average, can bench about 60 maximum last time I tried if that helps. Right now my abs are not very well defined and I want to build a six pack for the summer, any tips would be much appreciated  if you want to know anything else just let me know, thanks again!
PS. Is there a way to estimate body fat percentage without specialist equipment?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:27
Hi wardy!
I'm female age 21. I have put on two stone in the last year. I used to play rugby and football so when I stopped all my muscle turned to fat. My body shape is fine, I don't want to be skinny nor built I would just like to get rid of the wobbly bits. I do not necessarily want to change the shape of my body I would just like to tone up.
I'm thinking a combination of cardio and weights for me? Also how many days a week? Should I be taking protein shakes?
Thanks for the help!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:28
You can only go so far building your abs with body weight exercises unless you have something like TRX. You build a lot of ab strength from the likes of heavy squats and deadlifts which you can not currently do. If you can find any way of doing weighted ab exercises then that will help. It is also no good have big abs if they are covered in fat so work on the diet.
You can by calipers for measuring body fat for a couple of quid on amazon.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:29
You need to get your diet under control and exercise more. Protein shakes should only supplement your diet if you can't get enough protein from meat, veg, nuts etc.
The chances are that when you stopped playing rugby then you carried on eating the same amount of calories despite that fact you no longer need as many.
There is seldom reason to train more than 3 times a week, if you can train more than that you probably aren't pushing yourself enough. Cardio has its place but adding muscle is far better at burning fat, giving a healthy shape and injury prevention.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:29
Without trying to sound pedantic, this is physically impossible 
You've lost muscle mass and put on some fat. One can't turn in to the other.
Wardy, I must admit that when I see the words Personal Trainer it usually send shivers down my spine at some of the advice I'm expecting to see but you've been pretty much spot on, kept it simple and relevant to the person asking the questions. Good show 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:30
Hi Wardy, and thanks for your help here!
As detailed here, I've already started my "new lifestyle".Diagnosed with high BP, weighing 248lbs and only 5'11".Now down to 198, just by vastly reducing portion size and getting to a strength & conditioning class a few times a week.
I have a few questions for you now!
1 - I have noticed quite spectacular weight loss, 4-5 inches off my waist, dropped most of my man boob weight and my face is vastly different.I have however also lost a little of the muscle mass around my thighs I think.My thighs were always very stocky and muscular, probably because they were carrying around so much bulk!Any advice for me with regards to changing my exercise a little to improve muscle gain as well as weight loss?I did worry that by dropping my calorie intake so much I would be losing both.I work in a 10 story building so I have started walking the 10 floors 3 times a day while at work to give the legs a bit of a workout again.As far as weights, I don't currently have anything other than a small set of dumbells (1, 2, 3kg)I have a punchbag at home, and a pull-up bar that I haven't got around to putting up yet!
2 - As far as diet goes, what kind of breakdown do you recommend?I'm not going Atkins style zero carb, but I do try to keep carbs fairly low.My wife is concerned that I'm going OTT and not taking in enough carbs though.She keeps trying to feed me bread etc!Would you recommend increasing carbs on certain days?Keep the wife at bay and also balance my diet a little more?
Any more info you need let me know, and thanks again!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:31
1, Try taking 2 stairs at a time at work!There is not a lot you can do with those small weights.Do you cycle?Do you have a budget to buy some equipment or perhaps joining a budget gym?
2, Diet wise keep it simple and healthy.If you think carbs were part of your weight gain the try to limit them to perhaps 100-150 g a day and keep them low GI.Protein is your friend so try to get approx 80g a day too.Most bread a rubbish unless you can get your wife to make some sour dough bread?
You have done well so far, be proud of yourself.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:32
I'm already on the 2 steps at a time trick. I do alternating floors, first floor single steps, second floor 2 at a time, 3rd floor singles etc.
She's not too bad on the bread, but sometimes I try to take some carbs just to keep her happy. I always have either some potato or a small portion of oven chips with dinner, which is usually primarily protein, fish or chicken. Today I had a fairly large lunch so dinner (she was on the Carb train today) is a flatbread with cheese and bacon. We're splitting this one between us. I'll probably have a piece of fish later too as this isn't very big. But in terms of her loading me with carbs this is standard.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:53:33
You might get away with those flatbreads being low GI but the calories will add up so watch portion size.