Hi Wardy, and thanks for your help here!
As detailed here, I've already started my "new lifestyle". Diagnosed with high BP, weighing 248lbs and only 5'11". Now down to 198, just by vastly reducing portion size and getting to a strength & conditioning class a few times a week.
I have a few questions for you now!
1 - I have noticed quite spectacular weight loss, 4-5 inches off my waist, dropped most of my man boob weight and my face is vastly different. I have however also lost a little of the muscle mass around my thighs I think. My thighs were always very stocky and muscular, probably because they were carrying around so much bulk! Any advice for me with regards to changing my exercise a little to improve muscle gain as well as weight loss? I did worry that by dropping my calorie intake so much I would be losing both. I work in a 10 story building so I have started walking the 10 floors 3 times a day while at work to give the legs a bit of a workout again. As far as weights, I don't currently have anything other than a small set of dumbells (1, 2, 3kg) I have a punchbag at home, and a pull-up bar that I haven't got around to putting up yet!
2 - As far as diet goes, what kind of breakdown do you recommend? I'm not going Atkins style zero carb, but I do try to keep carbs fairly low. My wife is concerned that I'm going OTT and not taking in enough carbs though. She keeps trying to feed me bread etc! Would you recommend increasing carbs on certain days? Keep the wife at bay and also balance my diet a little more?
Any more info you need let me know, and thanks again! |