Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:34

You need to see your Dr, it could be many things. In the mean time rest it and just train legs.

DrPhil Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:35

Niggling injury for me too, sprained my wrist about a month ago, still bothering me. Might try and get an x-ray in case there's anything broken in there.

It's not overly sore, but hurts when throwing punches, or even doing push ups etc.

Dan Turner Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:35

Box squatting, like many things is something which has slipped out of my sessions lately but perhaps I'll move back to them.

How do I determine whether the bar is too high?

I do quite a bit of stretching but that is about it in terms of mobility work. Should I be doing more/more specific work?

Thanks for all your help

Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:35


Please have a look at this:

High Bar vs. Low Bar Back Squats

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:35

I think you should post a video for Mr Wardy to inspect!

We can provide you lots of suggestions but you may simply be squatting wrong with no hip hinge.

I have personally had issues with depth but groin and ankle stretching have fixed this for the most part. The squat movement is simple but having adequate full body mobility (from shoulders down to ankles), especially in people that haven't exercised a lot since their teens (that's me!), isn't a given. People have bad posture, muscle viruses, poor mobility and so on. The main thing to realise is you can fix almost everything!

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:35

Videos are essential for squat feedback. On the shoes thing I went from bare foot to powerlifting shoes last week and felt really good due to the solid base and extra ankle mobility from the raised heel.

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:35

I squat high bar so olympic shoes are more suited. I have the Adidas Power Perfect IIs which are overall the best bang for your buck imo (cheaper than the premium Adipowers but pretty much same functionality). The raised heel is also handy for overhead pressing, not just squats.


Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:35

They're exactly what I got last week, pleased with them so far.

sheriffwoody Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:36

i have some shagged out 10 year old reebok classics with half the sole missing and holes everywhere. love them 

but on a serious note, i sometimes squat barefoot. i try and deadlift barefoot each time too.

DJT75 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:54:36

I'm 3.5 months into this whole eat clean/workout lifestyle and it's going very well. (10 kg down, BF 28%>21%, muscle 33%>38%. Visceral Fat 10 down to 7).I've just had a re-programme put together by a different trainer at my gym, and he has me doing a bunch of super-sets for the next 4 weeks. This is fine, I'm OK with the weight now, it's more to do with burning fat and continuing to build muscle now - although I'm not keen on a couple of the exercises.

Firstly I have standing cable rows following my chin ups. 3 sets of 10 each. I've done a variety of rows previously and standing is a nice change, but chin ups are tough. I can do 2/3 max before dying so my form goes completely out the window. I don't really see the point in doing something when you form goes completely. So for that I'm using the Assisted machine, and although still a struggle with 40KG assistance, I can keep my form and complete the super set. I think I've solved that one fine (I've also got a resistance pull-down machine for another alternative).

The next super-set is cable chest press and push-ups. I'm fine with the cables again, but I'm crap at press-ups. The first set I'll manage 8 good ones and then by the time I've done the cables again I'm looking at 5, then 2 or 3. All my exercises to-date have been fine with the appropriate rest in between, but I'm finding these super-sets take a little bit too much out of me before resting. I'd rather have good form throughout.
So what alternatives do I have for push-ups? The guy has suggested dropping my knees and pushing through the reps until completion, but that just doesn't seem to give any benefit (and who wants to be seen doing push-ups with your knees down anyway?). So is there anything I can do to replace these push-ups whilst staying around the cable area of the gym? I don't really want to disrupt the super-sets by wandering off to the free-weights area for bench presses etc, so I have cables, the floor and a TRX in front of me.

Any suggestions?

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