Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:38

Why would Obama leave a country off the List of countries of concern simply to protect Trumps business interests?

SteakAndCake Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:38

I thought you quoted Trump when he said "full, impartial and long overdue security assessment", but now you're saying, that didn't happen, and he just copied Obama?So if he did in fact use the existing country list and then failed to add Saudi to it, he or his people completely failed to perform a full, impartial, and long overdue security assessment and as such, we can say that this EO is rushed, unsafe, and foolish.

SteakAndCake Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:38

Trump is an egomaniacal braggart.If he's letting Obama take credit for any part of his EO, you know he know's he screwed up and is now diverting blame.If he thought this was a good thing, he would never put Obama's name anywhere near it

kav Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:39

You know perfectly well I wasn't talking about Obama.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:40

Remains to be seen if he is actually doing that or using the populist language as a scam to enrich himself further with those around him with their own policy agendas that may prove harmful to the people who voted for Trump.
He's already filed to run for the 2020 Presidential Election (odd move this early into his presidency), which means he can start fundrising for 2020 immediately, funnelling the money into the Trump Business Empire. Elections never end in the US.

It's called the US Constitution. Trump is likely overreaching his power by abusing executive orders (which is where the US Supreme Court will come into the picture). He's either going to break the US Constitution or it will put him firmly in his place as the Founding Fathers intended.

Some are, some aren't. However it's probable that Terrorists have already infiltrated the US using the refugee crisis as cover and are planning attacks. If that is the case, then it's fairly obvious Trump would use any attacks as a pretext to issue further immigration controls and deportations against Muslims. He won't differentiate between those who have nothing to hide and those that do.

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:41

Always been open to tough love theory, May was certainly warned beforehand not to kow tow Trump over a Trade deal. Basically, Trump mugged her off on her Brexit vision ‘Britain is open to all’ speech and he generally relieved himself all over British values.
All in an inconsistent poorly timed, (hours after Holocaust day) and generally appalling policy attempt to appease his racists.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:42

 He certainly doesn't like doing things by the book does he?

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:43

Trump is going to literally blow peoples minds I think. America just has to hope now that Trump is better at business than Obama was at race relations.

Its going to be fun to watch.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:44

Well not much of a surprise, if you've ever looked into his business wheeling and dealing.

The first African American President was always going to have a rough ride, I think Obama surprised quite a number of people in the US by winning a second term. I think his reaction to any attempt at impeachment will blow people's minds.

Depends on how things go - Comedy repeat of the Bush years or a Trump dystopia.
Then you have the various militias just itching for a fight with the US Federal Government.

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:45

Trump said:

"After a full, impartial and long overdue security assessment" - he is stopping visa issues until they have a proper assessment done.
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