The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:19
'Ban him and BAAAANNNN HIIIIIIMMMMMM NOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!' the Twitterati shrieked from their touchscreens, blinded by irony and choking back the bitter virtual tears of internet outrage.
Back at Westminster, two politicians observe the unfolding chaos as the very fabric of internet society unravels before their eyes.
"I know, right? How did we get to this?"
"Boaty McBoatFace."
"Boaty McBoatFace?"
"Boaty McBoatFace."
"I know, right?"
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:20
This is a bit of an alarmist article, but it makes sense of what's been going on in the last week or so - Trial Balloon for a Coup?
Mystery over who owns 19.5% of one of Russia's Crown Jewels (mentioned in the article above) -
How Russia sold its oil jewel: without saying who bought it
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:21
Seems to me the mans just putting his country first and all the Liberals are having a melt down.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:22
Shocker - Politician doing what he promised he would do during the election campaign..
We'll have to put a stop to that.. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:23
Trump's new ambassador to the EU was on TV and was asked why he wanted the job when he is an open critic of it. He said the following:
>Interviewer: I mean you’re clearly not a great fan of Brussels or these bureaucrats like Juncker.
>Ambassador: Well, I had in a previous year a diplomatic post where I helped to bring down the Soviet Union, so maybe there’s another union that needs a little taming.
>Interviewer: What do you think of Mr Juncker?
>Ambassador: Well Mr Juncker was a very adequate mayor of some city in Luxembourg and maybe he should go back and do that again.
>Ambassador: President Trump doesn’t like an organisation that is supranational, that is unelected, that is against nationhood, where the bureaucrats run amok and that is not frankly a proper democracy.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:24
How has he put his country first?
He instituted a ban on Islamic Migration from certain countries.Not a single terror attack in the US has been committed by Islamic Migrants
It cannot even
He's barred people who have already been vetted (for up to 2 years in one of the strictest vetting processes in the world) and acquired Visas and green cards from entering. This includes interpreters working with the US military.He's now shown the US does not keep it's word and fewer locals will now work with the US putting their troops in increased risk
You have American's who's husbands, wife's, or families can now not come home as they were out of the country when the Cheeto in Chief singed the EO.How does this put them first?
He claimed he wanted to put Christian's first and he wanted Christian migration which is a clear breach of the constitution.You cannot treat people differently based on religion.
Trump's ban says to Islamic nations that the United States makes no distinction between terrorist and Islam.To young Muslims, this basically tells them, the US sees them as the enemy.That's it's the US vs one religion.This weakens the generational fight against Jihad.
Explain how any of this has put America first?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:24
Your completely right, what the hell was i thinking.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:25
Americans are well aware of the horrific attacks in Europe. Many believe Europe is not a safe to travel to now. I would suggest Americans are looking at Europe and saying we don't want to be in that situation.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:25
He has done exactly the same as Obama did in 2011 - were you similarly outraged then and out on the streets complaining about it?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:26
Great post, but totally wasted on the intended recipient.