faiz0 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:28

Absolute rubbish.

Sorry, Mr. President: The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to Your Immigration Ban

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:29

Obama suspended visas from Iraq - Trump suspended visas from another 6 countries - the only difference is the amount of countries involved.

Pretending that is OK to target a single country but unfair to target half a dozen is plain daft.

Back in 2011:

As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said.

faiz0 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:30

Jeez, the 'only' difference. Trump's ban applies to the best part of 130 million people, compared to however many Iraqis were affected by Obama's actions.

SteakAndCake Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:31

Total nonsense

Trump has banned entry to the US for people in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen including holders of legal green cards and visas - for 90 days

Suspended Syrian Refugee plan indefinitely

Suspended all non Syrian refugee plans for 120 days

Banned dual nationality passport holders

Prioritised Christians over Muslims

Capped total refugees to 50,000

Did it without any advance notice or agency planning leaving people trapped and stranded.

Now, here's what Obama did

Pause on approval of refugee applications from Iraq for a period of six months after two Iraqi al-Qaeda terrorists were discovered living as refugees in Kentucky.

Obama did it to one country irrespective of religion in response to a specific incident involving refugees from that country.Obama did it only for the time it took to gather fingerprints from IEDs that could be matched in the screening process once it re-commenced.

Do you think they're the same?I don't.

SteakAndCake Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:32

This is currently printed inside US Passports.How long until it gets swapped out for an advert for Trump Hotels?


Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:33

It isn't a question of numbers - you cant claim that when Obama does something that affects 30 Million Iraqis its good, but when Trump does exactly the same thing that affects 130 million its bad.

That is an incoherent argument.

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:34

Apart from your list being incorrect - the policy is exactly the same.

And as for the idea that he did it without any advance notice, well how much do you really need?

This from last June:

The immigration laws of the United States give the President the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the President deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate.

I will use this power to protect the American people. When I am elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.

After a full, impartial and long overdue security assessment, we will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of America.

SteakAndCake Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:35

I'd question how full and impartial the security assessment was that decided to exclude Egypt and Saudi Arabia from the ban despite these countries making up 100% of the 9/11 bombers.   How much more evidence do they need?This ban is nothing to do with security.

As for notice, I know you're not stupid enough to believe there was sufficient notice when people boarded a plane with a VISA that magically became worthless during the flight.

Obama took his plan to congress, he didn't force it through with an Executive Order.If Trump thinks his idea is a good one, based on good evidence, then it should gather partisan support and breeze through congress.   There's also the interview with Rudy Giuliani who states Trump called him and said he wanted to ban Muslims, find a way to make it legal.

kav Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:36

I'm sure it's just coincidence that the Muslim countries whose nationals have actually committed terrorist atrocities on US soil but have not been placed on the restricted list are the same countries where Trump has significant business. Oops, I mean HAD significant business interests, since he absolutely, positively, definitely doesn't have any input to how his businesses are run since he showed us that big stack of papers on a table.

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 02:55:37

well the countries on the list were selected by Obama. If you feel that others should be on it as well then that is something that you need to take up with him.

Well thats an argument about whether you should have EO's or not - personally I can see both sides of the argument but thats the system as it is and has been used by every President since George Washington.
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