pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:40

Other Northern European monarchies have yachts, some of them are the countries you really like too.

Although I'm not sure why your comparing UK with a Queen to countries with a president, there is a different level of prestige involved.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:40

Interesting, both Norway and Denmark have Royal Yachts but we don't and LGS does seem to like Norway:

Even started a thread on it here:

Could find more if you like.

Anyway if we are comparing our nation to northern European countries with a royal family then they have a royal yacht but we don't either because we can't afford one or people would rather our royals didn't have one because we individually can't have one.

You can see what their nations also use the ship for:

HNoMY Norge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doesn't follow that our ship would have to be the same but it might give some ideas.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:40

Interesting fact from the official Britannia website:

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:40

is it a fact or a theorem? 

travid Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:41

Self serving to justify their own intrests?

Do not understand, when all public services are being cut to the point where Milliband does not rule out PS pay cuts. Perhaps they should start with their pay!

Ayway, I digress. How can we contemplate building this ship during times like this. If private investment is used, well the public, unless they are shareholders, have no voice.

However, the public purse is stretched to its extremities and to contemplate the expense involved is unbelievable IMO. Sucessive Governments have privatised many public services, including my own. Privatisation of the royal yacht, seems like a natural progression of a political agenda.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:41

You cynic you  didn't see any reason to question it, it is simply a fact about an Edinburgh Tourist Attraction, it's not like it's in a political manifesto.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:41

It was in their FAQ, not their TAQ 

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:41


It will be an outstanding venue to entertain foreign leaders and dignitaries.

Big ticket deals can be ceremoniously signed on board with a Royal- helping our economy and jobs back home

Differentiate ourselves from the Italians, French and Germans

Will not cost the tax payer much if privately funded and any extra bills in terms of security will be covered by the income generated.

£60m in the grand scheme of things would not be a lot for UK plc.

Could help with jobs in our shipping industry

Can be used as a training vessel for our cadets etc

Why not build it then?   
- Because a lot of the negative comments that have been posted here are representative of many who will only give it five seconds thought-   Or worse still, want to make political capital out of it.

The Government will just shelve the idea.A shame……..

Rasczak Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:42

Agreed - unfortunately the politicians will always bow to the five seconders. 

Cloverleaf Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:42

Of course you ain't LGS. I'm sure there is a very plausible reason why you resent rich people, which has absolutely nothing to do with envy 
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