Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:22

The impression other nations have of us is going to be stuff like this. The US has its poor it also has massive debt. It also wants to project the idea it is a superpower abroad. If the President turned up on a budget airline it might save a few quid but would also give the impression the country was in dire straits.

I’m not even sure why £60 million is the sticking point. The destroyer we are sending to Iran cost us about a billion. £60 million probably buys us about one modern fighter aircraft. So buy one less aircraft, and have a ship that can be used by sea cadets, could be a tourist attraction, could drum up trade and be around for probably a few decades. £60 million only sounds a lot for an individual. For a nation it’s sod all. As above, about one less fighter aircraft. The Olympics works out at about a billion quid per day. Something LGS did support. What about the hospitals and the little orphans £12 billion could have been spent on there?

We should have private jets, royal yachts, and Olympic games all so we can show the world the UK is a step above other nations. I would have hated to see Blair getting a private jet but on the other hand it’s a necessary evil to project who we are to others.

happyhomer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:23

Not going to happen 

BBC News - Queen's jubilee yacht proposal rejected

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:24

Why not pull Britannia out of retirement, give her a refit and send her on her majestic way.

Slap in some jolly tars (rum, bum & baccy) - the RN must have a few spare in holding stores.

Surely that won't cost £60,000,000.00 even if she has ta have her bottom scraped (they can always rename her "Sheasta").


icstm Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:25

nicely put, and true for the hangers on.
but for the monarch I think we get a good deal? Would you want a president? When I look to our neighbours, left to the US or right France they do not offer up much alternative.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:26

Anglo Argie, looney leftey highlights his allegorical alliteration

instigator Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:27

Just heard on the news... Someone bought a barge for her... I kid you not...

This is just getting sadder and sadder...

instigator Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:27

Maybe we could just get her a PS3?

GAZBEROTTEN Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:28

If we are in a deficit and theres no money in the kitty then how is it we are considering inbuying the queen a new yacht. Hmmm alarm bells anyone?

Sidlicks even you have to admit this is very suspicious since a member ofthe government said there was no money in the kitty and that we are in a deficit.

NewMan Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:28

Late to the argument again. It's not being considered - it's just another example of an MP engaging gob before brain. I'm sure there'll be the usual calls for him to resign etc...

Sigh. Imagine, the Queen not being able to afford a new yacht. If that's not the definition of poor, I don't know what is.... 

sidicks Publish time 26-11-2019 02:46:28

Have you read any of the thread??
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