Catalonia declares Independence- What happens now?
So it has eventually happened. Catalonia, a country of about 7 million with its own culture and language has finally declared independence by a vote in the Catalan Parliament.It will be interesting to see Madrid's next move.
The EU, for all its ambitions, has not stepped up to the plate, instead it has hardly said anything- apart from a few noises about being unconstitutional.
Catalans declare independence from Spain What has the UK done or said about it? As far as I can see TM has said the UK will not recognize Catalan independence. If so that aligns us with the EU position. And if the EU did step up to the plate, they would stand accused of interfering in a sovereign country and internal matters. One thread the EU is seeking full control of its members and another they sit idly by.
Which is it? Presumably we need to cosy up to Spain as an EU member that could turn against us if we supported Catalonia?. So not really a surprise is it? Just goes to show how fickle they are :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Well I think we have certainly lost influence but I am not sure we would stoop to that level. More likely the Government recognises how some parallels could emerge given they are currently denying Scotland the chance of a second referendum. I'm not sure we should, but you have more faith in HMG than I if you think they wouldn't.Good point about Scotland though. Not that good.
We let Scotland have a free and fair referendum. It was agreed this would settle the question for a generation. There have, of course, been elections since then. With the SNP and Greens standing on a referendum mandate. On the contrary, it demonstrates the deep vault lines clearly within Brexit.One Brexiteer here feels that EU should have done more, while on another thread, other Brexiteers, state is EU is too controlling.
Does Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and his separationists still want tobe part to the EU?