Publish time 26-11-2019 02:14:59
Madrid was not prepared to give the region a vote on independence. That's why they chose to hold an an authorised one.
But the action has got them a vote in December, which, presumably Madrid will recognise.
(It could be non binding of course)
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:14:59
didnt the Catalans go to the ballot box last month - that turned out well...
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:14:59
If Catalonia was a poor region i am sure Spain might feel quite different about them wanting independence.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:14:59
Not necessarily.
Seemed like England wanted Scotland to stay even with the amount we subsidise them.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:00
I doubt it, the integrity of Spain above all else.
No, it was about keeping the political and fiscal union together (the core strength of the UK over the last few hundred years). If any member of the UK has a cause for concern over how much Scotland gets, it would be the Welsh. The problem in England is down to London and the South East being where the wealth is concentrated and other regions of England fighting for the scraps.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:00
Read my earlier posting. Its not in the gift of the Madrid government to allow a vote a vote on independence. That would equally be illegal. What must happen is that there would be a referendum of the entire population on making an amendment to the national consitution. The amendment would be a statement to the fact that the territory of Spain is divisible.If that were carried then the catalan parliament could legally vote for independence.
The December vote will be for a new legitimate parliament in Barcelona.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:00
Just because it did not make the tv screens does not mean it did not happen.Were the 50% who did not vote intimidated?. Ido not know the answer to that question but Ihave seen intimidation at close quarters and it does not have to be overt. Ido know as a fact however there was violenceon the streets of Barcelonaafter the polls had closed.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:00
Ok, so the press is all big one conspiracy in on it...Sure that makes for a much more logical explanation...I'm out with that kind of tin foil hat reasoning...
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:01
If I think that other people misunderstand me I normally question myself first whether I make myself clear opposed to laying blame at the receiver. You may want to read again what you wrote.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:01
I have re-read both postings again and have difficulty in seeing ambiguity.The nature of both your responseswere
1. In the case of my first posting deliberately evasive as regarding content.
And 2. The latest posting makes an unwarranted assumption about my sanity.
Let me make myself very clear. I have credible evidence that violence continued after the poll would have closed. Members of my family choose to fleeBarcelona on the first available flight to London the next day at additional expense, One who had returned to their hotel, with open cuts and bleeding sustained . They had scheduled a week's holiday and left on what was the second night.
If you have a problem with my postings call me out on facts...