EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:01

A first-hand passionate and heart-felt response with the addition of family involvement in the violence in Barcelona.

I think you have made your feelings very clear as you did with post #72. So quite understand your position and associated anger and frustration the whole Catalonia situation must raise.

Bear in mind it is only the written word that comes across in forums - no facial expression, no body language, no voice tones, no eye contact.

If I may make a suggestion: give a little leeway to other forum members who maybe misunderstood you or it didn't register how deep your feels are.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:01

How do I deliberately misquote or misunderstand what you wrote? It is very clear that you state that the press didn't report it.

Oh please you little drama queen...

Ok what is becoming very clear now is that you are emotionally involved in this, that does explain the responses. Shame to hear they cut their holiday short.

It also nicely adds to my point, why did the police instigate this violence of what otherwise was a pointless and peaceful vote...

PS. Barcelone is a dangerous City like most large harbour towns. I've had once attempted car jack in the Arab quarter, and another just north of the town involving firearms. Driving my own vehicle on both occasions with British number plates...

dannnielll Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:02

I am not sure what value this will serve, but let's go through it from the beginning.
1. I posted an opinion that the British people did not understand the nature of a written consitution. Why? because the posts previously indicated that ignorance...Since British people are not familiar with a written consitution that ignorance is perfectly understandable..I then provided definitions and facts as to how a written consitution operated. ... Your response was an accusation of plagiarism and bad spelling.
2. You made a supposition that all violence originated from one side... . That of the central government. My response was along the lines of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and thatthere are different modes of intimidation. Broadcasters donot find thesenewsworthy.Your response to that was to suggest I was a member of a tin hat brigade.
3.My citing a family involvement was not an emotional outburst, rather to clarify that violence did continue post poll. Incidentally I am not aware of the instigators whether they were pro independence or otherwise. Police were not involved.

Whether you or I have sympathy for an independent Catalan is not relevent. But the assumption that the illegal referendum was "pointless"is untrue. Their prime minister used it a week later as the basis for independence.
The only point in which we both can agree is that the central government actions ofinvading polling stations was counterproductive, and an over reaction on the day.

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:02

Apologies for being a bit off topic, but it's sort of "independance" related, albeit Scottish.

Sturgeon questions Salmond TV show

Interesting to see Salmond turn into a media tart now he's no longer an MP, he must need the cash, but RT? 

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:15:02

Catalans elect new separatist leader

Catalonia's parliament has sworn in a new separatist leader who has pledged to continue the region's battle for independence from Spain.

Catalan MPs elected Quim Torra, 55, as president by the narrowest of margins - 66 votes to 65.

The vote had been blocked for nearly five months - yet it remains unclear when Spain will lift its direct rule over Catalonia.

Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has offered talks with Mr Torra.

The prosperous region has been under Madrid's direct rule since the Catalan separatists held a referendum in October and declared independence unilaterally - moves declared illegal by Spain.
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