Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:26
Scrapping 40000 of those s**tboxes would be the only positive to come out of this.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:27
I invited you to criticise him, but to be sure it was for the right reason, if that's defending him, it's news to me 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:28
Dodgy software:
Uber hides from regulators with Greyball
Uber has been using a secret program to prevent undercover regulators from shutting down the taxi-hailing service in cities around the world.
The software, called Greyball, sought to identify officials trying to catch its drivers and deny them service, the New York Times reports.
Uber just lost a huge High Court case that could put 30,000 jobs on the line
Uber has lost a High Court case against Transport for London(TfL) to block a new rule on language tests for private hire drivers in the capital.
The controversial package from the transport body includes a requirement that drivers undertake tests in reading and writing basic English.
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said he was "delighted" the courts backed his plan.
"Drivers being able to speak English and understand information from passengers and licensing requirements is a vital part of ensuring passengers get the high standard of service they need and deserve," Mr Khan said.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:29
He's not making himself very popular, to be fair
London Mayor Sadiq Khan gets trolled for 'fully supporting' Uber ban
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:29
I can see the need for a tool like Greyball - some people could disrupt their service easily without appropriate protection.
Whilst I'm not against a language test for ALL taxi cab drivers - not just minicabs and private hire but also including black cabs - it is a little pointless. The whole benefit of the app is that you don't have to be able to explain it and pronounce it correctly. Heck in Moscow where hardly any taxi driver speaks English and I don't speak Russian I would have been ripped off without this app. The need isn't really there.
But my main point is that it should be for all; I've come across a fair few black cab drivers where I'm certain they would fail as well, despite being born and bread in the UK. It seems too one sided to me.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:31
To be a London 'Taxi' driver, you have to have the knowledge of London.
The examiner names a start and finish point. You then have to name every road and turn in the straightest line. Then there are CRB checks, a driving test and character tests.
What's involved:
Learn the Knowledge of London
To become a PHV driver, you pay £300 to TFL, sit a very basic map test, maybe a CRB check though could be a good conduct letter, if possible, from your country of origin.
Three months, later and you are a PHV driver and badge sharing is rife.
Uber had this coming - it was never really a 'tech start-up'
Inspector Neil Billany of the Metropolitan Police’s taxi and private hire team suggested that the reason for this was because the company was attempting to protect its reputation. When they were reported, the rough estimate is that between February 2015 and 2017 there were 48 sex attacks involving people who were Uber drivers at the time the attacks were reported.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:31
They have exactly the same DBS checks...There is no maybe to it...
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:32
Maybe now...
TaxiPoint Trade News
It has been revealed in The Times that 13,000 Uber drivers in London will have to undergo new Disclosure Barring Service checks as it has been deemed that the DBS checks used to obtain a private hire drivers license are unsatisfactory and therefore no longer valid.
This comes on the back of a spate of criminal offences committed by Uber driver/partners, the latest of which culminating in an attack on 2 police officers outside Buckingham Palace. Uber drivers will be given 28 days to obtain a new Disclosure Barring Service check,failure to do so will render their license invalid.
Interestingly the 28 day "grace period" that is being afforded to Uber drivers by TfL in relation to not having an adequate DBS check now brings into question as to whether taxi drivers will be given the same "grace period" if there is a delay within their DBS renewal.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:33
I don't understand that at all, it isn't Uber who performs those checks...
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:39:34
It warns an employer of a risk they don't have to adhere to information that might be found on DBS search. I'm amazed with commissioned (privatised) out care services and the risks they take at times.
Probably used a third sector provider and not from a approved TFL list, and TFL are providing the license they have some responsibility of the quality of the DBS check, well that's how it works in care sector directly and commissioned services.