Citizen J
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:20:59
Unfortunately some have short memories or went caught up in the 12% interest madness.
Tories have already said they would have let Northern rock collapse which would have been disastrous.
A Tory win = double dip recession.
Member 55145
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:20:59
does it need expanding on?
you have 100 houses that you paid X amount for, having these houses means you can keep housing benefit at a low level.
you then sell half those houses for half price, you dont make any more houses so 50% of the people you could of put in social housing now have to have housing benefit on private rent costs
my council flat i had was £180pm, the same flats rented privately cost £500pm
I seriously hope this problem is addressed and private housing benefit is stopped
Mr Noble
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:00
Well the reason I bought mine is because i never really applied myself in my school years and knew straightaway if i ever wanted a place to call my own it would have to be in a deprived area , to be honest i think i'll remain in this house all my life as its the right size and the neighbourhood is pretty quiet compared to other estates in the region.
With the stigmata attached to the Estate by previous generations that lived here there's not really a demand to live on this street (hence only 3 of the houses on the road not being council owned)
I know for a fine fact i would never be able to afford a plush flat in london unless i won the lottory , so an ex-council is the only affordable option for me.
Maybe the prices around here will shoot through the roof if Newcastle quayside/Gateshead go under major redevolpment which i doubt, quite a few factories sitting closed etc which could be turned into council run housing thats unless Tesco get their grubby mits on it....
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:00
Come on now, let's keep religion out of this thread. 
Mr Noble
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:00
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:00
It seems every Labour voter likes to remember the 80's, but fails to mention the 70's and the way Labour and the Trade Unions ruined the country, the 80's was simply fixing the problems created under Labour.
Also this Labour government took a good economy from the Tories of the 90's and managed to ruin it within a decade.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:01
But there's another way of looking at it.
If the Tories win people will get tax relief on moat cleaning.
If the Lib Dems win we'll all need moats because we'll be left defenceless.
And if Labour win Gordon will not be able to decide whether moats are media-friendly or not, so he'll opt for a fence instead. And sit on it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:01
We all have our cross to bear. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:01
It' doesn't matter who wins, we never came out of the recession, we had massive overspending to cover it up. If anyone actually buys Labour's claims of having recovered the economy..... jesus wept.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:21:01
You mean giving this country a longer period of uninterrupted economic growth than any other government has managed.