chopples Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:46

We would have left the EU from a legal perspective so the will of the people has been respected.The UK could, in the decades ahead, make subsequent decisions about whether re-join or extract further.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:47

Decent article in the spectator today re common market 2.0

Why Common Market 2.0 is the Brexit we need | Coffee House

nheather Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:48

Oh come on. That is like getting a divorce but remain living together, continue to pay for your missus, getting nagged at, and doing everything, except you can't have sex with her anymore and you aren't married. So legally you have left.

That is just playing word games and would be a very silly move.

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:48

I’d rather stay than CM2.0.

To me it is pretty much the same as remaining with the exception that we are removed from the representation and decision process.We still have to pay but we don’t know how much.

The worrying thing is the MPs are going to vote it through before we they even find out the details of the deal.There are lots of vague concepts in there, like we will pay but not how much, there is safeguarding but how will that work, we can set our own laws - can we to what extent.Pretty sure that when this sort of thing was discussed many months ago all the processes were caveated with, if the EU agrees - so we can make our own law, if the EU thinks that one is acceptable.

Take how much we pay in, the paper suggests 50% but I’ve seen 88% quoted too.And what is that 50% of?Over the last two years we have been told we must not refer to the £350m per week as that is not how much we actually pay.

What the EU want us to pay -£18.6bn
What we pay after Maggie’s rebate - £13bn
After EU money spent on public sector - £9bn

So what is the 50% mentioned in CM2.0 - £9.3bn or £4.5bn?



Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:49

Trouble is that what the author of the piece is proposing is not what Parliament are proposing. The author is talking about EEA EFTA membership - Parliament are looking at a hybrid EEA membership with a customs union bolted on the side.

Personally I do not see anything wrong as a compromise with EEA EFTA membership - however the Common Market 2 proposal is actually far worse than EU membership. Which is probably why no other EEA EFTA member state has considered it.

chopples Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:50

Strange that as I got it from nick boles twitter feed, I find it odd that he would agree with it and it not be accurate considering it is his motion Parliament are voting on


nheather Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:50

Just been reading the latest BBC news feeds and realise the CM2.0 and the Customs Union are different things.

I was thinking that CM2.0 got narrowly beaton but realise it was the customs union.

But what puzzles me is that like the confirmatory vote, the customs union is not a stand alone solution, it’s an add-on to the whatever solution wins.

Seems a stupid set of votes, with some pretty meaningless on their own.

And shouldn’t John Bercow be stopping most of these - can’t keep bring the same vote etc. etc.Or does that only apply if he doesn’t like the vote.In fairness though, TM was allowed to bring the third vote to the table in the end.



domtheone Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:51

Motion D: 'Common Market 2.0'
Proposer: Nick Boles, Conservative

This proposal would mean joining the European Free Trade Association and European Economic Area, with countries such as Norway.

It means the UK would remain part of the EU single market and would retain freedom of movement, so British citizens would keep the right to live and work in the EU and vice-versa.

In the last round, 188 MPs voted for this plan and 283 voted against.

Seems this guy is getting excited about this?

Freedom of Movement continues

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:52

Yes - its unheard of for a politician to want to try and hide something... 

Pacifico Publish time 25-11-2019 22:19:52

For those that are confused..

Common Market 2.0

What is involved in Common Market 2.0?

The UK accepts the current draft Withdrawal Agreement but renegotiates the Political Declaration and agrees that a Norway style deal will be the basis of our future relationship with the European UnionAt the end of the transition, the UK joins the European Free Trade Association (Efta) but negotiates a derogation so that the UK does not have to participate in Efta's free trade agreements and can maintain a comprehensive customs arrangement with the EUAt the same time the UK joins a comprehensive customs arrangement with the EU, which maintains a Common External Tariff and makes it possible to maintain frictionless trade and no hard border in IrelandCommon Market 2.0
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