Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:52
What ball do they have?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:52
Yes, they have a ball - but ours is worth billions more to them than theirs is to us.
It's about time we started playing with it too.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:54
And................... You forgot to write the next sentence.....?
So just going on what you have written..
The nation was divided on Brexit.
The nation is divided on Labour or Tory.
But there was a winner in both cases.
So is your conclusion we give up the fight, lay down and let the EU take us to the cleaners?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:54
And labour will be unifying?
They can't even stand their own side with momentum Vs Blairites and "red Tories".
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:55
My conclusion is that you should choose your battles wisely. This is not the right time and unless something dramatic changes I don't see it happening in 4 years either.
la gran siete
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:56
Wise, Mmmm, always going to be problem, as having 23rd June 2016 as your only point of reference as an act of democracy, will cause problems into the future. I would harness a guess, that May and her team have noticed change of mood with the electorate over Brexit, its rather dangerous for Tories to mull over polls, however, the Independent indicates a change of mood, maybe others as well.
Most Britons now want to stop Brexit, poll shows
Factor in a long list of multinationals companies as long as your arm lobbying her for soft or stay stance, yesterday is no surprise.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:57
I cant see anything good coming out of it except the transitional offer may be the first of several and as years go by, and more and more Brexit voters pass away so the demands to leave wane.Of course, May has to keep her rhetoric going just to appease the right, some of whom are already bleating "betrayal".
On a negative note, our credit rating has just been downgraded by Moodys because of increased spending (inc. the DUP bribe) and lack of confidence in the CITY, although apparently, traders are taking bets that Brexit will never actually happen.
It amuses me the way the Government desperately try to keep a calm united front as if everything is under control, and they know what they are doing.
As to the matter of identity, that is far more visceral and I am surprised so many people feel the way I do .They seem to feel a definite kinship with fellow Europeans even though cultures and languages differ. On a personal level being a European is just an extension of being British in the same way a Californian is an American even though he may have little else in common with a New Yorker.I like all the rights guaranteed by continuing membership .The EU flag sticker is still very much in my car and I only hope that whenall this nonsense comes to an end we adopt the EURO
la gran siete
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:58
Isn't that what the polls said before the Brexit vote too?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:59
you might be but I am very much a European as well
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:02:00
Most likely its why I myself would air on the side caution but im not clinging onto power.