Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:34
Well, let's see how this is received in the EU first.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:35
I’m so annoyed; how she can say we leave in 2019 whilst keeping everything the same for another two years is just ridiculous.
So we leave, have no say, pay more money and is concerned about balancing the EU budgets.
What on Earth is she doing.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:36
She can say whatever she likes, so far the reaction from the EU has been polite and asking for clarifications on various issues such as Northern Ireland's border with the Republic of Ireland.
Can't say you weren't warned about this. Extracting the UK from the EU is going to be a long and protracted affair. Even walking away without any deal, won't really get us anywhere. As we will still have to hammer out deals with the EU to sort out various issues, not least Citizens rights on both sides. Oh and Northern Ireland as well. That might prove the hardest part of Brexit to resolve.
The Brexiteers have no feasible plan and running off nationalistic hubris only lasts until the harsh reality smashes into the hubris. We are looking like a joke. The only way this is going to be resolved is likely with another General Election.
She is fighting for her political survival, view her actions through that lens and it makes perfect sense.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:37
Herself and her party as it currently stands.
Moody downgrades UK credit rating.
Moody's downgrades UK's rating to Aa2, changes outlook to stable
You could be forgiven May was trying to sell us the European Union what a strange place this rabbit hole is turning out to be.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:38
Just had to show my face.Brexit now looking less likely (or in name only), with each further statement, now kicked down the road for another two years.A lot can happen in that time especially with world economy predicted to enter another recession around 2020.
A bit of sanity returns to the UK at last. Hallelujah 
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:39
This was always going to be the case. Leaving the EU was always going to manifest itself in a short to medium term reduction in our influence and international relevance.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:39
I was following your drift until you made this statement. How on earth would a change from Conservative to Labour help solve the UK extracting itself from the EU?
What magic are labour going to bring to the table?
It is a pity, some still see this as a Tory/Labour fight. It's about time people woke up and realised this is a UK/ EU fight.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:40
The problem is they have the ball 
Should have planned before hand for this scenario but too late now.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:41
Can't win a fight with a divided nation.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:01:42
I don’t think I made myself clear there is you draw that conclusion.
I’m ok with that if it meant we are out of the EU which to me means we don’t keep paying in and aren’t subjected to their rules either.
What TM has said in her speech is that we will still leave in March 2019, however we continue to pay our contribution for another two year and increase it, and we also make certain that no member state has to pick up the deficit in the EU budget due to use no longer contributing, and we will abide by all your rules.
Sorry but no matter which way anyone tries to spin that, nobody can reasonably argue that that is leaving. It is not necessary to do it that way.