McVicar Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:52

It's coming up as web page not available for me. Doing this from the website on my phone not the app.

Miss Mandy Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:52

Copy and paste the address into your browser and remove the spaces. The forum software doesn't play nicely with shortened links or google at the moment so direct links aren't working.

McVicar Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:52

All working now. Thank you 

McVicar Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:52

Great photos, will have another look later on a bigger screen. Phone not doing them justice.

Can I ask the significance of the table (thought it was a snooker table at first)?

Oswald Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:52

Carom billiards - Wikipedia

McVicar Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:53

Thanks Oswald but still curious if there is a significance to the table. I see a sign in front of it (unfortunately can't translate) so wondered if it has a separate story behind it?

Oswald Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:53

Turns out I was wrong-ish, and that this is used for a different variant of billiards (using the same kind of table without pockets).Here's a little bit of information about the billiard table and the building it is located in:

Nikko Tamozawa Imperial Villa Memorial Park - Nikko Travel Guide | Planetyze

"As an addition made in the Taisho Era, the Otamatsuki-jo (Billiards Room) was used for friendly exchange with foreign guests. There is a billiard table with no pockets used to play a 4-ball game called yotsudama."

McVicar Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:53

Thanks for the link. When I saw the table and then deduced that it was probably not a snooker table (although the lamps above didnt help my thinking) I wondered whether it may have been a map table or something that was significant with regards to the war etc.

Foster Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:53

Spot on =)

Foster Publish time 25-11-2019 00:40:54

I've been looking at flights to Osaka, fair to say i'm missing Japan lol.
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