Jean Valjean
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:01
Its them that do 60mph in the middle lane of the motorway that do my head in.
I don't mind the the middle of the road drivers as long as they do 70 .
But i f i have to drop to 50 just so i can get in the middle lane then have to speed up to 70 and then get in the 3rd lane to over take just so i can go back into the 1st lane then that pisses me off !
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:02
Interesting one that. Too many people think it's the end of the world to let someone merge onto the motorway so go out of their way to close gaps. Looking at it from that respect, it is not safe to drive fast down a slip road as you soon end up on the hard shoulder.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:03
If you can see heavy traffic while coming down the slip, fair enough, but when you are driving down it and you can see clear traffic ahead, why drive slow and down the middle of the slip road?
I can understand it when there's traffic and I don't fly down only to slam my brakes on, but I'd prefer some people to do more than 30-40 down the slip road so as not to join a motorway/dual carriageway at 30-40 mph to get stuck behind them while a steady stream of traffic passes at 60mph.
Maybe I should have pointed out when it's clear from the drivers view going down the slip road.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:03
If they do that then that is just poor planning. They are supposed to give way to the flow of traffic not the other way around so they are supposed to plan ahead, look for a space and filter out. In reality this doesn't happen because people drive poorly, don't pay attention and/or panick when they finally bother to look once they have reached the end of the slip road. People often accelerate down the slip so I think that I don't need to worry about moving to let them out then they take their first look at the motorway and brake at the end by which time it's too late and I end up forcing them down the hard shoulder. I see a lot of people closing gaps when they motorway is moving slowly which is just plain stupid but I don't see many doing it when traffic is flowing. I will always try and let people out if I can, sometimes it just isn't possible and I will not risk causing an accident just to help someone that doesn't seem to understand what they are supposed to do.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:04
I believe unnecessary slow driving or braking comes under the offence of inconsiderate driving.
Ruperts slippers
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:05
I always enter the motorway at prob faster than 75 plus and just slot in ,easily ,i think for motorways under normal conditions a minimum speed limit for all non hgv /caravans should be set at 60 mph ,if people don't like motorways use the a,b roads and dawdle on those instead .
Alot of people you can just tell don't feel comfortable driving.
Its like slow moving traffic ,if everyone just crawled along at a normal speed ,instead speeding up and down and anchoring on every ten seconds the flow of traffic would be alot smoother .
Member 55145
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:06
funny I always thought that when driving on any dualroad with a slip road onto it the main road, the traffic are expected to move into lane 2 out of courtesy to let them safely get onto the main rd. or maybe im just too considerate?
the way I join a road off a slip road is just to get my speed upto or faster than the car i want to be infront of leaving them plenty of room to break if i have to.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:06
You are too considerate
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:07
Interesting discussion.
The OP is describing a behaviour that is very irritating. It's also quite irresponsible, but only where it is clearly safe to overtake the car/tractor in front. This sort of behaviour incites other drivers to attempt things that they otherwise wouldn't, like overtaking two or three cars instead of one;
Slow driving in that respect, is extremely dangerous and I've seen some downright arsé-clenching near-misses from other drivers in my time and I'm still very young compared to some.
What I hate the most, is those dipsticks who feel the need to overtake you and then sit in front of you, as there is too much traffic. Well done. You just progressed an extra 30 yards and now I'm sat behind you and have been for the last 20 minutes. All because I kept a respectable distance between myself and the car in front.
That sort of behaviour is why people close gaps to less than 2 seconds and we have more accidents with sudden braking. Last night, I saw a woman tail-gating a guy and when he indicated to turn left (around 50mph) she was too close to react and just drove into the kerb instead as she panicked. Thanks to the gap I left, I swung around her happily.
40mph drivers in a 60mph zone are in my opinion, the biggest culprits of the lot and should be fined. There is no need for it and no justification otherwise (unless hazards are on etc). In my driving around Alderley in Cheshire, Bentley's and Porsches are the worst offenders ironically.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:07
I've done this before, but only for very good reasons.
For example, maybe I'm sitting behind an erratic driver, or maybe their car is burning oil and stinks to high heaven.
Or maybe they're one of those intensely annoying ***** that insists on looking at their passengers when they're talking to them, so your eye is caught by their head snapping to the side every two seconds like a demented;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Either way, I might prefer to just have these people behind;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7