Iccz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:41

The problem is when there is a long queue of traffic in lanes 1 and 2, and the person at the front of lane 3 refuses to push past 70 on their speedo, they slowly crawl by the traffic in the middle lane, it causes a hold up in traffic.

So 90 isn't fast? 

loz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:42

Well I find I am often the "slow moving vehicle" at that speed...

jassco Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:42

I'm not sure whether to take that seriously or not?

loz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:43

well you would have to admit, or perhaps it's just the motorways I use or the times I use them (never in the rush hour), that 90 is nothing unusual, and if you do cruise along at 90 there will still be plenty of cars overtaking you.

FZR400RRSP Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:44

Ain't that the truth.
Christ, I was on the midlands expressway toll road a while back, it seemed to me people thought it was an autobahn.
I found myself doing speeds I wouldn't dream of doing on a normal m-way.
But the toll road was quiet and I was still far from the fastest thing on it.

loz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:45

Funny enough I was thinking exactly the same a couple of weeks back when I was on it. Early evening, very little traffic, most of it seemingly doing 100mph!

Bursar Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:46

Maybe my post wasn't clear. When the traffic is stationary, I do filter and make progress.

However, when the traffic is moving, I do sometimes sit in lane and ride with the traffic. I don't always feel the need to be zipping down the white line.

Other times I'm filtering between traffic at speeds that really don't leave a lot of room for error.

FZR400RRSP Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:46

I don't mind admitting, I was doing a good bit more than that in parts and I was still being overtaken.
It helped me disguise the speed from the wife though.
She only notices when I'm the one doing the overtaking.

Member 55145 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:46

im with loz on this one, on m-ways and even some dual carrigeways 100 is considered slow!

its difficult to enforce a low speed limit, if you had signs up saying minimum speed 30, what do you do when its snowing or raining?

im surprised no one knows what these signs mean  maybe we should have more of them?

jassco Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:46

Oh yeah I completely agree with you, I tend to go about 80-85 on motorways, it was just the apparent contradiction that got me baffled, because at the end of the day anything over 70 can get a speeding ticket, thus being 'fast' 
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