Dancook Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:32

I can see your point, and I'll just say now that I haven't sat behind a slow moving car purposefully where no one could easily overtake.

Anopther point I didn't put across, is that on the bypass where I slowed behind this guy at 35mph... there's still oncoming traffic on the other side of the road. I was contemplating how rude it was that he expected me to overtake. Though 'most' of the time the traffic on the otherside would move over to let you past.. you do get the odd ahole who swerves out to meet you in the middle of the road.

Iccz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:33

I can't imagine many drivers out there are game for a head on collision with another vehicle.

mda1974 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:34

Am I missing something or isn't that kind of the whole idea of a 3 lane motorway with a 70mph speed limit?

Dancook Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:35

I was following a driver yesterday who sat in the middle of our side of the road, making it difficult to overtake... then they veered slowly towards the central line when someone started overtaking coming the other way.

They decided to swerve back in when they got nearer. So I guess it's all a matter of who's chicken.... 

Iccz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:35

I see you cut off the rest of my post... A lot of drivers do more than 70 on the clock - especially as the clock reading is usually not 70mph anyways, also a lot of drivers do around 80mph and it's never a problem for the authorities - at least i've never seen or heard of anyone get pulled for it.

Dancook Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:36

I've learnt by use of my Sat Nav, that at abouy 70mph, my speedo is out by about 5mph! So even if my speedo says 90, I'm doing about 83mph.

mda1974 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:37

I agree that most people do exceed 70 on a motorway at some point.

My point was that I don't think you can critacise someone for meaning that it stops someone else speeding.

FZR400RRSP Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:38

Well, if it's widely accepted (which it is) that lane3 is for people doing more than 70mph, then you can criticise people for rigidly sticking to 70mph.
It's called bloody-mindedness, even if they're not techincally breaking any laws.
I think bloody-mindedness is worthy of criticism.

mda1974 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:39

I don't see a problem with someone doing 70 or less in lane 3 as long as they are using it as intended as an overtaking lane and then pulling back into lane 2 (or 1 for that matter if free)

loz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:39

I must admint I can't see the point in driving fast.

I just stick to a steady 90 on the motorway and just sit back and relax whilst everyone else speeds past...
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