nheather Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:26

Sorry but I find your type of behaviour more annoying than the tractor driver.

I can understand and symphasise with tractor drivers - at some point they have to use the road and in the most part (where I live anyway) they will pull over if they are going a significant distance.

But what I hate is being stuck as the 5th (or so) person in a queue behind the slow mover.There are plenty of opportunities to overtake, too risky for me being so far back, but easy for the car directly behind.

But does he go - no he just sits there.So rather than a queue of cars being able to pass the slow-mover one by one it just becomes an ever increasing trail following it around.

Overtake - you are inconveniencing other road users.The driver of a slow-mover has an excuse, you don't.



Dancook Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:26

When I'm not in the 'speeding' mood, on a motorway I might just dwindle behind someone in the slow lane at 40-50mph. I just ponder on the reasons they might be going so slow...

mda1974 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:26

What, like not having to obey the highway code like every other road user?

Dancook Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:27

 I don't think I ever mentioned tractors, or vehicles with an excuse for going slow. What I did have in mind, however, was the people in a perfectly able car but choose to drive slowly...

Iccz Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:28

The ones who do 40-50 on the motorway push the ones who do 60 out into the 2nd land and the ones who do 70 on their clock to pass them into the 3rd lane, and when an awful lot of drivers do around 80 (some more) this causes a slight build up of traffic in areas. Slower drivers on motorways seem to cause more problems than them going slightly faster than the limits.

nheather Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:28

My mistake - I guessed you were talking about being behind a Tractor or JCB etc.

But I still feel the same, except I don't symphasise with the guy in front.

The problem is, you may be able to overtake easy enough, but if you don't is it safe for the guy behind you or behind him to attempt to overtake 2 or 3 vehicles.

If it is then okay, otherwise I think you are being inconsiderate - although I don't beleive their is any law preventing you from driving at 35 in a 60 limit - I don't think that this speed would even require you to pull over.



FZR400RRSP Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:29

Did I say 'ignore the highway code'?
No, I didn't.
There is a lot of ignorance surrounding bikes.
For example, many car drivers think 'filtering' is illegal.
It isn't.

There's massive difference between making legal progress on a bike and riding like a ******.

whiskyboozer Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:30

My edit in bold

FZR400RRSP Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:31

I agree.
Technically, there is a minimum speed limit, in that the police could charge you with careless driving etc.
However, I would like to see publicised minimum speed limits, so it's clear as to what's acceptable and what isn't.

FZR400RRSP Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:31

But, in doing so, you shouldn't moan when the police pull you over and ask why you're going so slowly.
And you should take any punishment they deem suitable.
Such as careless driving, or whatever.
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