Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:23
A long time ago we had a shoot out with the Nissan Navara forum; an ebay 'special' box, DTUK box and remap at the dyno place of the remap company.....They couldn't believe their eyes mine was making more power, and kept the temperatures down. It was a two box solution in those days, I was running one on the injectors and one on the fuel line. Similar for my Golf R - done 38K miles on that one now; got it up to 3.7s on the vBox and 11.87 on the quarter mile....Now I'm getting rid, I'm selling the boxes separately 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:24
if your in the north west it might be worth giving these people a call
Dynogen Remapping
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:25
11.87 with only a tuning box? Was that measured at a drag strip with official equipment or with a vbox? Very curious.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:26
And why wouldn’t “just a tuning box” do that? Please do explain what other elements a remap would adjust that a remap would make that possible and a box doesn’t?
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:26
I just asked a simple question, nothing to do with the tuning box vs mapping differences, was that at a verified drag strip or using the vbox? From my own experience a tuning box (or even a stage 1 map) on a golf R does not achieve an 11 seconds quarter mile so genuinely curious to see how that was achieved.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:27
But that was the topic and how you phrased it.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:28
Fair enough, I did not mean it that way. Still curious if you would like to let me know, can be over PM if you wish so we don't derail this thread. Thank you.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:29
I've been looking; it was at Crail Raceway Scotland. The session I was aware of was in May 2014 if I am not mistaken and it was against an Audi R8. I looked on their site but can't find it going back that far. I did notice that a Golf R did similarly back in June this year.
My personally did reach the 0-60 on the vbox...But on Santa Pod the best I managed was 12.08s...That was in June or September 2014 if I recall correctly...It's been a while and I've left that scene...
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:30
Great, thank you for the info. Impressive what it can do at stage 1. I have tried a few boxes myself on the same engine but my car was bigger and heavier so only managed mid 12.5s before I went with a bigger turbo.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:17:30
it is not just the engine, the drive train and DSG are absolutely fantastic as well.