its_all_Greek Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:33

On the bend is that a trick of the light that makes it look like there is a ridge there running all the way up? there doesn't seem to be one on the other side from your previous pic?

Ste7en Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:34

It appears to be a trick of the light as it doesn't look like that in the flesh.

We picked it up on Wednesday. It doesn't look too bad in all honesty. True, we had to dig our heels in and it took almost four months.

We parked it close to where we work yesterday and there was a constant stream of people popping out to inspect it. Everyone said it looked fine.

The garage did fill up the tank and they have resprayed the bonnet (slight 'orange peel' to it) and the colour is a perfect match. My brother spent ages moving various lamps back and forth over the panels and it is a perfect match.

A couple of neighbours even said it looks nicer than it did when we got it.

Now all we have to do is get used to it again. Before the snow & ice come!

Ste7en Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:34

Oh, the Mrs gave the manager a bit of a grilling apparently. Pointed out that we are happy now but why couldn't it have been like this two months ago. He shrugged. No apology either.

I was too busy outside winding the windows up and down (if they are going to shatter I'd rather it is on their forecourt than at a drive-through), winding in the wing mirrors (one was damaged in the crash) and inspecting the petrol tank cover (which is on one of the new panels).

Trollslayer Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:34

Are you going to drive past occasionally just to make them nervous? 

Ste7en Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:34

I may pull in from time to time 

k17chy Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:34

Nothing wrong with that.

Ste7en Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:35

Technical term is 'commercially acceptable' apparently.

Anyway, foreign insurer is disputing who was at fault now. HGV driver has a completely different recollection of the events. Even down to which lanes we were in. Preposterous considering the photographic evidence we have.

Foster Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:35

About right, I would now get yourself a dash am.

Naaktgeboren Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:35

Sorry to bump this up again, similar situation for me right now :/Wondering, did the foreign lorry driver face any punishment at all?

Ste7en Publish time 24-11-2019 23:04:36

Apparently they don't, hence their GTA approach to road safety.

Last I heard he was saying we were at fault. Odd considering at the scene he had "No idea what happened". The insurance company have said it is to be expected (unfortunately) as anyone would try to worm out of accepting fault.

We have a mountain of evidence though, so fingers crossed.
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