HMHB Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:04

I reckon the next couple of months are a great time to concentrate on improving swings and grips on the range rather than going out on the course 

MC Stewpid Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:04

Weather's made it that way so I'm making the most of it. May as well I might get some lessons in as well if I take to it well.

stucarblne Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:04

Yes, good time of year for it. Rather than the frozen hands out on the course at 9AM on a Saturday morning medal playing winter greens unable to grip the club properly because it's so cold  

But used to do it faithfully tbh lol... and kept the driving range until darkness

MC Stewpid Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:05

Haha I'm the same was on the course first thing freezing and ruining my round in the first few holes because of the cold then only playing well a few holes from the end and wondering why couldn't I have started that way haha

deantown Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:05

The Driver is definately getting better. The hook is on its way out. After scoring 4 points for the first 4 holes I ended up with 34 points. Finished 3rd of 13. Very happy (shame about the first 4 holes).

HMHB Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:06

Nice one, glad to hear it's getting better  I'm off to the range in 20 mins time so trying to think positive!!

MC Stewpid Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:06

Went to the range this morning tried the proper grip myself and it was awful I couldn't swing properly and it ended up being pretty dangerous haha. Reverted back to the baseball grip and had possibly the best session I've ever had sure sometimes they were poor but that was at the end when I was getting fatigue really. Then came good again for some reason so I'm going to stick at the baseball grip for now maybe practice the swing in my garden with the proper grip but I'm wondering if its worth it.

HMHB Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:06

I had about 1 and a half large baskets full approximately to get used to the proper grip. I also kept doing awful and dangerous shots before I finally got used to it. I still do the odd one now and again but then I did that with the old grip too 

I tried the proper grip a couple or maybe 3 times and gave up before I finally decided I had to give it more time. Just like you, it felt totally alien and I was even missing the ball completely on occasions. One shot was so bad that the ball actually hit me on the shin - both very painful and embarrassing  mistake I made was to give in after 30 or 40 balls, you have to stick with it longer than that and give it a proper go in my opinion 

But, at the end of the day, it's down to what you're comfortable with 

MC Stewpid Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:07

My thoughts exactly to be honest I gave up on the proper grip too early but I was twisting my back so the swing was all over the place. I'm thinking maybe I should get some lessons in before I proceed with that grip. Better to get the basics right then I can work on from there, bit with the baseball grip being so good today I might keep that on the course see how it goes.

deantown Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:07

Played yesterday and the Driver while still not great,is definately getting better,I managed 37 points that included 3 blobs.
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