Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:57
For some unknown reason I have started hooking my drier. I cannot for the life of me fathom out what I'm doing wrong but I will try strengthening my grip and swinging wider. I now remember years ago I had a lesson and the Pro was having me stretch out with the driver making a wide swing, it's amazing how you forget. Anyway I will let you know how it goes after I play on Saturday (if its not lashing down).
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:57
A wider swing is essential. I've realised more and more that most screw up shots I do are caused by my swing collapsing on the way down or not being wide enough on the backswing.
Another thing I am trying to do is take a shorter backswing because at times it goes too far round and the club ends up being in the wrong position at the top of the swing.
It's not easy for me though to remember to try and shorten the swing!!
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:57
How many knuckles can you see on your left hand whilst gripping the club ?
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:58
If it were me, I'd see about booking a lesson just to get things sorted properly 
MC Stewpid
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:58
I have to admit my game is all over the place. Starred playing at 14 but it was all wrong. Still play with the same grip basically a left handed baseball grip but swinging right handed believe me it looked weird but feels so natural. I honestly don't know how people can play using the vardon grip I can't swing at all comfortably its weird.
When I had a lesson the pro said basically I had metaphorically gone to university before doing gcses and a levels in the sense I had it all wrong. Didn't bother trying to change my grip just worked on positioning and stance and meeting ball.
Irony is I was perfect in lessons yet when I go onto the course I'm all over the place!
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:58
I think what happens with a lot of us is that we concentrate really hard during lessons and then forget a few things on the course and try to hit the ball too hard and everything goes to pot 
I still haven't played a round of golf for over 15 years now, I'm trying to make sure I'm comfortable on the range first. But I do remember years ago when playing with a couple of mates who could hit the ball a long way. I was always the one taking his 2nd shot first and so the pressure was always on to hit it further.... you can guess the rest !!
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:59
Drive for show, putt for dough 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:59
Just something else to think about  I changed from a baseball grip to the "proper" grip this year and when I first tried I couldn't even hit the ball!! But a couple of weeks going to the range and it felt so natural it was unbelievable. Now I don't even have to think how to hold the club, it just falls into place in the "proper" grip 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:59
I can only see 1 knuckle on my left hand. I looked on youtube and it looks as if my shoulders are level as well,this is wrong too apparently my right shoulder should be lower than my left. Any tips welcome as driving used to be natural to me,now I am always worrying about a Hook.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:59
Think about this another way - ignore the fact you are hitting first and use it as a chance to stick one close to the pin / on the green and then the pressure is on them to beat your shot from closer in 
You will be surprised about how many times other people can struggle if they are hitting from closer than you are as they 'think' in their own head that they should do better
PS - And like Toasty said - drive for show, putt for point hitting a 300yd drive if you can't make a 2ft putt