Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:42
I don't carry a driver either, but use a Taylormade RBZ 3 and 5 wood as I find them to be more consistent and I find I can hit the 3 wood just as far as some people hit their driver - just ask Toasty or BB3Lions 
I am fortunate to have a Direct Golf store quite close so was able to try a number of clubs before deciding on those ones. Next up will hopefully be a set of irons to replace my old Ping i3 set
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:42
I actually went to the range tonight at a "roll-up instruction" type thing. Basically you pay an extra quid for your large basket of balls and the professional is on hand to give instructions to all of the people there.
He changed my stance completely. I was far too upright, too close to the ball and my hands were far too high. At first I thought he was kidding me as it felt like I was stood like a chimpanzee! But I gradually started to feel better like that and was then consistently hitting the 7 iron nice and straight with a proper trajectory.
I think what I'll do is to get some one on one lessons from him and then ask him about what 3 wood to buy. He said I can try a few from the shop as well.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:42
That's, by far, the best way to do it. If you chuck a few quid your Pros way, he'll probably look after you. If he's a decent sort, anyway 
I know tons of people on golf forums who are happy to keep throwing money at gear without spending anything on their technique. If you've got a dodgy swing there's not a club in the land which will help.
Once you get your fundamentals sorted, it all falls into place a lot quicker. I've played for about 25 years, but I haven't played for a while recently, so I'm going for a few lessons for a brush-up. Looking forward to it 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:43
You need the driver to do some serious damage off the tee 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:43
Damage? Sometimes literally! I had a Titleist driver with a fairly rare shaft a few years ago. I couldn't hit it for toffee but I wouldn't get rid of it because people went "ooooh" a lot when they saw it  I had to get rid of it when I hit one a good 100 yards off-line which took out one of our Juniors.
That RBZ 3 wood will go as far as most drivers which are more than a couple of years old anyway!
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:43
Jesus, my legs, hips and back are aching this morning after changing my stance last night! Got to keep at it now 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:44
I've booked a course of 6 lessons and have my first one on Thursday night. Got to try and enjoy it rather than turning up nervous 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:44
Had my first 30 minute lesson tonight and enjoyed it  It's amazing watching your swing on an iPad and seeing just how bad it is, I'm surprised I ever hit the ball properly at all 
In 30 minutes he's got me standing better and swinging a hell of a lot better and that is all with my existing rubbish grip. He's managed to work around that for the time being and I'm hitting the ball a lot sweeter already.
Roll on my next lesson next week, he's now working on getting my transferring my weight forwards properly on the follow through because I wasn't doing that at all, all my weight was still on my back foot and the end of the swing 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:44
Good stuff, glad to hear it's helping!
It's amazing how few folk take lessons, it's amazing how quickly a decent Pro can sort things out. Most folk don't realise how much they need it, seeing the video for the first time can be a bit horrific, as you've found out 
I thought I had a decent swing, then a mate bought a video camera. Oof 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:45
Good to hear you enjoyed it, it is amazing how sometimes the simplest little change can make a huge difference
Never seen a video of my swing,but am tempted to give this Direct Golf MOT thing a try as got a store pretty close to me