Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:49
I've been progressing well with my swing. Got the follow-through working pretty well now so have moved onto getting more width into my backswing.
Today though, after hitting some really sweet 7-iron shots I hit the ground a bit harder than expected and have muscular pains in my chest on the right hand side. Just when I was getting into the swing of things (pun intended  ) I hope this doesn't keep me away from the range for too long.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:49
Have you recovered yet from your little mishap and managed to get back on the range? Or are you limited to the feather duster still..... 
I have not managed to find the time to get to the range since the MOT a few weeks ago but think I might throw a couple of clubs in the boot of the car and try to nip to the range after work whenever I can
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:50
No sadly I've got to wait until the injury clears up. It got worse last week and I had to have a couple of days off work. I couldn't even stretch out my right arm to pick things up so had to stop going on the exercise bike as well because it hurt just leaning on the handlebars 
To say I'm gutted is an understatement!
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:50
That's not good 
But in some ways it is better that it is now and you have got the winter to recover, rather than having it happen at the beginning of the better weather and missing a season of golf
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:50
Yes very true  I've had 3 of my 6 lessons so far so want to try and get the rest of them in this year. I daren't even swing without a cub in my hand yet as I can feel it when I do this.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:51
Back going to the range again after my lay-off. I'm trying to concentrate on keeping my swing as wide as possible but am still collapsing a little on the down swing if I forget to keep it stretched out as far as possible. Hopefully this will become natural as I keep practising because every time I do remember to do this I hit the ball really sweet - it's a totally different feeling when I hit it properly.
I got the 7 iron working fine and am now working on the 5 iron. Once I've got that right I will have to move on to the woods. It still doesn't feel good at all with the woods but I have to just keep going at it 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:51
Hi guys.
An ex 4 handicapper here. I stopped playing in 2003 and with various things going on in life and moving around never quite got back around to playing again so haven't hit a ball since sept that year.
I would like to start playing around and getting into it again in the new year but will need to find a new golf club and get a handicap again eventually. But my main question is, equipment/clubs have moved on a bit i would imagine in the last ten years. Not to mention ball technology - i was always a fan of bladed irons, especially Mizuno's. But should i jump in at the deep end and grab a set of more modern blades. Or perhaps just a set of cavity backs (are they still called that ?) and work my way back into the groove slowly ?...
Any advice appreciated.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:51
Do you have your set still? if so, start there. A couple of differences I've noticed over recent years are:
- Long irons being replaced by hybrids
- A lot more wedges in a bag
As for blades, I had them years ago, but went for cavities when I got back into golf. That said, I've never been as low as a 4 handicap.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:52
Thanks for the reply.
I do, but these were nine years old by the time i unfortunately stopped playing, had been regripped a couple of times over that period. The irons were called Mizuno tp-19’s, 2-sw, but have been sat up in an attic at my folks and the shafts might have gone brittle. But i will be keeping my old trusty ping putter though, i see no reason to change that for a new one tbh. I'm 34 now so want to get back playing while i can still 'maybe' get my left shoulder under and past my chin lol.
Are the balls like they say now and fly much further and stop quicker then ?
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:49:52
Yeah, you don't see 2-SW anymore, more like 4-PW in irons depending on the set you look at, so bear that in mind when comparing price tags.
Range of balls are now quite varied and its common to have a ball fitting if you get a swing analysis. Basically, newer balls can generate a lot of spin if you like to stop the ball. But there are also balls with less spin if you're like me and tend to slice. So if you're serious about getting back into it, find a local pro who has swing analysis gear and try out a few clubs and see what he recommends club and ball wise.