Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:16
Another decent session for me again tonight  I was better on Saturday afternoon but it was a bit colder tonight so not as easy to swing freely 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:16
Every session has been a decent one at the range since I had that dip in February. OK I still have some way to go but it's feeling a lot better now.
I had my 4th lesson (of 6) the other week and was astounded to see how much better my swing had got between my 3rd lesson in November and this one. Watching the video from the 3rd lesson was good because it made me realise just how much progress I've made and gave me more confidence 
I'm going to buy myself a3 Wood at the weekend, I've tried the one my mate uses and it feels just right for me. At the moment I don't have any woods and have to borrow my mate's old cast-off ones 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:17
Feel it's all coming togetherfor putting it all together on the course then ? 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:17
Yes I have to get over this idea that I will make a complete tit out of myself on the course. Yes it's been 15 years approximately since I last went on a course but I did play quite a bit back then - with a bad swing, bad grip, bad stance! So I should be a lot better now 
Once I've got this 3 Wood and am reasonably happy hitting a few decent shots I will venture out there. The pro has suggested that my last 2 lessons can be on the course - playing 3 or 4 holes 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:17
A matter of getting confidence back isn't it. Now the basic fundamentals have improved it should be much easier now 90% of the time. Don't neglect the short game ! . Don't want to be hitting fairways and greens in regulation, then thinning chips and pitches around the greens and three jabbing every green nearly lol. Loss of confidence in one part of game can have a snowball effect on the bits that may be working 
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:17
Indeed. Up until the last few visits I've only been hitting 5, 7 and 9 irons so have mostly been working on those sorts of length shots. The woods are my last major battle before I can then move on to trying to perfect them all ....... that should take the rest of my life 
MC Stewpid
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:18
Can I just say though and I know I've mentioned this before you really do need to get on the course. I and I'm sure others will vouch for as well in saying that no matter how good you get on the driving range you'll never have that sort of lie on a golf course once you've teed off.
The way you approach a shot when the lie is less than perfect is different than when you have a perfect lie. Its something You find out the hard way as you go along.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:18
Yes I'm well aware that it's completely different out on the course  I remember when I used to play regular how it was very rare for the ball to be on flat ground once you've left the tee!!
MC Stewpid
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:18
Haha so do I so do I get a net and practice in the garden with different lies believe me helped me out.
Publish time 22-11-2019 04:50:18
Good idea, I'd hate to break the greenhouse next door though 