Need to get away and want somewhere warmer (and that means almost anywhere at the moment!). Was considering Southern Spain or Morocco, but I've read that Morocco is positively dangerous at the moment and Southern Spain is no great shakes.
I'm not widely travelled, so hope some of you more seasoned travellers might have some thoughts. Will hopefully be a romantic break to set the scene
Somewhere accessible, cheap and perhaps amazing would be just great. Unlikely, but great.
We went to Turkey for Xmas 2 years ago and it was great. Xmas on the beach with an Arab "Santa" riding a camel. Certainly an experience. You get a lot for your money with Turkish Fully Inclusive resorts.
After that, probably Dubai but I find the whole place a hateful experience.
Also, look at Cape Verde. Warm this time of year but relatively undeveloped. Depends on what standard of hotel you're looking for but will be at the bargain end of prices. Also no time difference/jet lag which is nice.
I wouldn't go Istanbul this time of the year, it isn't exactly warm, go south to Mugla or Marmaris the med coast, it's a lot warmer down there, I was in Icmeler about 4 years ago in December about the 12th and it was 22c walking back from Marmaris to Icmeler, the sea was warm enough to still swim it in Icmeler as well.