You can keep banging the drum but it won't change your misunderstanding of the DRS system, DRS itself has not been the fault in this series, the fault has been the officials, some absolutely woeful decision making both on and off the pitch.
Khawaja's wrongly given out decision was shown by DRS to be not out but for some unknown reason the third umpire upheld the original decision, ergo officials doing it wrong, not DRS
With the Pitersen decision, hot spot didn't show anything but there was a definite sound that came at the point the bat would have made contact with the ball. If DRS cannot categorically prove that the on field decision was wrong then the decision cannot be overturned, its pretty simple and sensible.
You seem to have a bug bear with it, god knows why because the decisions that it has got right or overturned don't seem to being picked up.
The only change I would make is the one that India are considering if they are to accept DRS, which they seem to be coming around to. In that if an LBW decision is reviewed then you do not lose an appeal if the the review shows the result to be "umpires call", that is sensible to me as it's an extremely fine line at that point.
DRS has overall improved the decisions being made, its onw an integral part of the game, a few howlers from officials don't change that, at the end of the day its the human error, not the technology
So yes, let's carry on using it then